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Re: Securing Debian Manual: 3.2.1 Choose an intelligent partition scheme

On Jo, 08 mar 12, 17:35:38, Stayvoid wrote:
> > You really, really should read
> > http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html first (this applies to all
> > your other questions as well).
> I read it some time ago.

Well, maybe you should read it again. I'm not kidding, I've read it 
myself several times, a few years apart and it has taught me valuable 
lessons every time.
> Sorry for zillions of questions, but I really want to hear some
> thoughts on these topics. The guide is outdated and I hope it'll help
> to fix it.

It's not the quantity, but the fact that you are not asking the right 
questions. You want a magic-bullet-universal-truth-type-of-recipe and 
the answer for that is "42" :p


Think about these first:
- what are you trying to accomplish (be specific, not general things 
  like "a secure server", "world peace", etc.)
- what workload do you expect your application to be able to handle
- how many users will there be and what kind of access do they need
- will there be more than one person administering the system
- what threats do you expect
- etc.

As soon as you start answering these you will see what does and what 
does not make sense for you (e.g. there is no need to change the default 
shell to 'rsh' if you are the only user and you only ever log in as 

Hope this helps,
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