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General unstability on wheezy (unstable repository)

Hi All,

During the last few months I've been experiencing an increasing instability on my systems running wheezy. This used to be a good quality repository and good compromise between stability and new features for a desktop usage.

However, with the gnome3 transition I started to experience more and more instabilities.
The first issue was that on 1 of my 2 systems, gnome-shell starts loosing characters after a few minutes of working. This could results into unusable desktop (as you can see in screen shot of bug#636874 in message#60)
For me this problem should be tagged with severity grave as it renders package not usable, isn't it?

Also, evolution starts crashing more and more and now I can not have it running a few hours without it dies. On one on my systems it even results on segmentation fault upon starting, unless I disable network or I run it inside gdb otherwise, no mail.

A third issue is that I have an UML machine running sid for years. Now this UML machin is crashing regularly and when it crashe, al the X system dies. What is the relationship? I don't see, but the UML starts in a xterm and runs no X application, only used for compiling (Lazarus/fpc and other packages I maintain).

I've started suspecting HW issue, but as some of these issues happens only on 1 systems and others on the second, I don't think it is related to HW. Also I can see that some of my issues are experienced by other users.

Can anyone advise on how to proceed? Please keep me on copy of this mail as I'm not subscribed to this mailing list.


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