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Re: Truecrypt

On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 19:59:45 +0300, Stayvoid wrote:

> I want to encrypt my files automatically when I close my laptop. 

Your folders and files (documents, images, videos...) or your whole 

> Is it possible? 

Yes to both.

> Which directories should be encrypted? 

That depends on you. You can encrypt the whole hard disk or just a bunch 
of files you want to protect and keep safe.

> Where is stored my personal information (GPG keys, personal data etc.)?

Again, that depends on your own settings although they are usually 
located in your home folder.

> I'm using gNewSense (it's a Debian-based distro).

I would avoid using TrueCrypt in Linux. For newcomers using the given 
tools provided by your DE are an easier and better solution. OTOH, I 
would first start by encrypting a pile of folders and files to get in 
touch with the encryption stuff.



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