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Vmplayer install fails

Hi   Apologies for this size of this posting.

I'm trying to get vmplayer installed, its failing to build just one of it modules, vmnet
any ideas where to look ?

2012-01-26T16:52:42.943Z| vthread-3| I120: Trying to find a suitable PBM set for kernel 3.2.0-1-amd64.
2012-01-26T16:52:42.943Z| vthread-3| I120: Validating path /lib/modules/3.2.0-1-amd64/build/include for
kernel release 3.2.0-1-amd64 2012-01-26T16:52:42.946Z| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
2012-01-26T16:52:42.960Z| vthread-3| I120: Your GCC version: 4.6
2012-01-26T16:52:42.989Z| vthread-3| I120: Header path /lib/modules/3.2.0-1-amd64/build/include for
kernel release 3.2.0-1-amd64 is valid. 2012-01-26T16:52:42.989Z| vthread-3| I120: Building module vmnet.
2012-01-26T16:52:42.989Z| vthread-3| I120: Extracting the sources of the vmnet module.
2012-01-26T16:52:43.008Z| vthread-3| I120: Building module with command: /usr/bin/make -j
-C /tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmnet-only auto-build SUPPORT_SMP=1
HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/3.2.0-1-amd64/build/include CC=/usr/bin/gcc GREP=/usr/bin/make IS_GCC_3=no
VMCCVER=4.6 2012-01-26T16:52:44.707Z| vthread-3| I120: Failed to compile module vmnet!

So next I found the source and compiled and got this result ::-

Using 2.6.x kernel build system.
make -C /lib/modules/3.2.0-1-amd64/build/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. \
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-1-amd64'
  CC [M]  /usr/local/src/vmnet-only/driver.o
  CC [M]  /usr/local/src/vmnet-only/hub.o
  CC [M]  /usr/local/src/vmnet-only/userif.o
/usr/local/src/vmnet-only/userif.c: In function ‘VNetCsumCopyDatagram’:
/usr/local/src/vmnet-only/userif.c:520:3: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of ‘kmap’
/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-1-common/include/linux/highmem.h:48:21: note: expected ‘struct page *’ but
argument is of type ‘const struct <anonymous>’ /usr/local/src/vmnet-only/userif.c:523:3: error:
incompatible type for argument 1 of
‘kunmap’ /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-1-common/include/linux/highmem.h:54:20: note: expected ‘struct
page *’ but argument is of type ‘const struct <anonymous>’ make[4]: ***
[/usr/local/src/vmnet-only/userif.o] Error 1 make[3]: *** [_module_/usr/local/src/vmnet-only] Error 2
make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2 make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-1-amd64'
make: *** [vmnet.ko] Error 2

here's userif.c

 * Copyright (C) 1998 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation version 2 and no later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA

#include "driver-config.h"



#include <linux/file.h>
#include <linux/highmem.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/netdevice.h>
#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/sockios.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>

#include <net/checksum.h>
#include <net/sock.h>

#include <asm/io.h>

#include "vnetInt.h"
#include "compat_skbuff.h"
#include "vmnetInt.h"
#include "vm_atomic.h"
#include "vm_assert.h"
#include "monitorAction_exported.h"

typedef struct VNetUserIFStats {
   unsigned    read;
   unsigned    written;
   unsigned    queued;
   unsigned    droppedDown;
   unsigned    droppedMismatch;
   unsigned    droppedOverflow;
   unsigned    droppedLargePacket;
} VNetUserIFStats;

typedef struct VNetUserIF {
   VNetPort               port;
   struct sk_buff_head    packetQueue;
   uint32*                pollPtr;
   MonitorActionIntr     *actionIntr;
   uint32                 pollMask;
   MonitorIdemAction      actionID;
   uint32*                recvClusterCount;
   wait_queue_head_t      waitQueue;
   struct page*           actPage;
   struct page*           pollPage;
   struct page*           recvClusterPage;
   VNetUserIFStats        stats;
   VNetEvent_Sender      *eventSender;
} VNetUserIF;

static void VNetUserIfUnsetupNotify(VNetUserIF *userIf);
static int  VNetUserIfSetupNotify(VNetUserIF *userIf, VNet_Notify *vn);
static int  VNetUserIfSetUplinkState(VNetPort *port, uint8 linkUp);

 * UserifLockPage --
 *    Lock in core the physical page associated to a valid virtual
 *    address.
 * Results:
 *    The page structure on success
 *    NULL on failure: memory pressure. Retry later
 * Side effects:
 *    Loads page into memory

static INLINE struct page *
UserifLockPage(VA addr) // IN
   struct page *page = NULL;
   int retval;

   retval = get_user_pages(current, current->mm, addr,
			   1, 1, 0, &page, NULL);

   if (retval != 1) {
      return NULL;

   return page;

 * VNetUserIfMapUint32Ptr --
 *    Maps a portion of user-space memory into the kernel.
 * Results:
 *    0 on success
 *    < 0 on failure: the actual value determines the type of failure
 * Side effects:
 *    Might sleep.

static INLINE int
VNetUserIfMapPtr(VA uAddr,        // IN: pointer to user memory
                 size_t size,     // IN: size of data
                 struct page **p, // OUT: locked page
                 void **ptr)      // OUT: kernel mapped pointer
   if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void *)uAddr, size) ||
       (((uAddr + size - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)) !=
        (uAddr & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)))) {
      return -EINVAL;

   *p = UserifLockPage(uAddr);
   if (*p == NULL) {
      return -EAGAIN;

   *ptr = (uint8 *)kmap(*p) + (uAddr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1));
   return 0;

static INLINE int
VNetUserIfMapUint32Ptr(VA uAddr,        // IN: pointer to user memory
                       struct page **p, // OUT: locked page
                       uint32 **ptr)    // OUT: kernel mapped pointer
   return VNetUserIfMapPtr(uAddr, sizeof **ptr, p, (void **)ptr);

 * VNetUserIfSetupNotify --
 *    Sets up notification by filling in pollPtr, actPtr, and recvClusterCount
 *    fields.
 * Results: 
 *    0 on success
 *    < 0 on failure: the actual value determines the type of failure
 * Side effects:
 *    Fields pollPtr, actPtr, recvClusterCount, pollPage, actPage, and 
 *    recvClusterPage are filled in VNetUserIf structure.

static INLINE int
VNetUserIfSetupNotify(VNetUserIF *userIf, // IN
                      VNet_Notify *vn)    // IN
   int retval;

   if (userIf->pollPtr || userIf->actionIntr || userIf->recvClusterCount) {
      LOG(0, (KERN_DEBUG "vmnet: Notification mechanism already active\n"));
      return -EBUSY;

   if ((retval = VNetUserIfMapUint32Ptr((VA)vn->pollPtr, &userIf->pollPage,
                                        &userIf->pollPtr)) < 0) {
      return retval;

   if ((retval = VNetUserIfMapPtr((VA)vn->actPtr, sizeof *userIf->actionIntr,
                                  (void **)&userIf->actionIntr)) < 0) {
      return retval;

   if ((retval = VNetUserIfMapUint32Ptr((VA)vn->recvClusterPtr, 
                                        &userIf->recvClusterCount)) < 0) {
      return retval;

   userIf->pollMask = vn->pollMask;
   userIf->actionID = vn->actionID;
   return 0;

 * VNetUserIfUnsetupNotify --
 *      Destroys permanent mapping for notify structure provided by user.
 * Results: 
 *      None.
 * Side effects:
 *      Fields pollPtr, actPtr, recvClusterCount, etc. in VNetUserIf
 *      structure are cleared.

static void
VNetUserIfUnsetupNotify(VNetUserIF *userIf) // IN
   if (userIf->pollPage) {
   } else {
      LOG(0, (KERN_DEBUG "vmnet: pollPtr was already deactivated\n"));
   if (userIf->actPage) {
   } else {
      LOG(0, (KERN_DEBUG "vmnet: actPtr was already deactivated\n"));
   if (userIf->recvClusterPage) {
   } else {
      LOG(0, (KERN_DEBUG "vmnet: recvClusterPtr was already deactivated\n"));
   userIf->pollPtr = NULL;
   userIf->pollPage = NULL;
   userIf->actionIntr = NULL;
   userIf->actPage = NULL;
   userIf->recvClusterCount = NULL;
   userIf->recvClusterPage = NULL;
   userIf->pollMask = 0;
   userIf->actionID = -1;

 * VNetUserIfFree --
 *      Free the user interface port.
 * Results: 
 *      None.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

static void
VNetUserIfFree(VNetJack *this) // IN
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)this;
   struct sk_buff *skb;

   for (;;) {
      skb = skb_dequeue(&userIf->packetQueue);
      if (skb == NULL) {
   if (userIf->pollPtr) {

   if (userIf->eventSender) {

   if (this->procEntry) {


 * VNetUserIfReceive --
 *      This jack is receiving a packet. Take appropriate action.
 * Results: 
 *      None.
 * Side effects:
 *      Frees skb.

static void
VNetUserIfReceive(VNetJack       *this, // IN
                  struct sk_buff *skb)  // IN
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)this->private;
   uint8 *dest = SKB_2_DESTMAC(skb);
   if (!UP_AND_RUNNING(userIf->port.flags)) {
      goto drop_packet;
   if (!VNetPacketMatch(dest,
                        (const uint8 *)userIf->port.exactFilter,
                        userIf->port.flags)) {
      goto drop_packet;
   if (skb_queue_len(&userIf->packetQueue) >= VNET_MAX_QLEN) {
      goto drop_packet;
   if (skb->len > ETHER_MAX_QUEUED_PACKET) {
      goto drop_packet;


   skb_queue_tail(&userIf->packetQueue, skb);
   if (userIf->pollPtr) {
      *userIf->pollPtr |= userIf->pollMask;
      if (skb_queue_len(&userIf->packetQueue) >= (*userIf->recvClusterCount)) {
         MonitorAction_SetBits(userIf->actionIntr, userIf->actionID);

 * VNetUserIfProcRead --
 *      Callback for read operation on this userif entry in vnets proc fs.
 * Results: 
 *      Length of read operation.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

static int
VNetUserIfProcRead(char    *page,  // IN/OUT: buffer to write into
                   char   **start, // OUT: 0 if file < 4k, else offset into
                                   //      page
                   off_t    off,   // IN: offset of read into the file
                   int      count, // IN: maximum number of bytes to read
                   int     *eof,   // OUT: TRUE if there is nothing more to
                                   //      read
                   void    *data)  // IN: client data - not used
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)data; 
   int len = 0;
   if (!userIf) {
      return len;
   len += VNetPrintPort(&userIf->port, page+len);
   len += sprintf(page+len, "read %u written %u queued %u ",
   len += sprintf(page+len, 
		  "dropped.down %u dropped.mismatch %u "
		  "dropped.overflow %u dropped.largePacket %u",

   len += sprintf(page+len, "\n");
   *start = 0;
   *eof   = 1;
   return len;

 * VNetCopyDatagram --
 *      Copy part of datagram to userspace.
 * Results: 
 *	zero    on success,
 *	-EFAULT if buffer is an invalid area
 * Side effects:
 *      Data copied to the buffer.

static int
VNetCopyDatagram(const struct sk_buff *skb,	// IN: skb to copy
		 char *buf,			// OUT: where to copy data
		 int len)			// IN: length
   struct iovec iov = {
      .iov_base = buf,
      .iov_len  = len,
   return skb_copy_datagram_iovec(skb, 0, &iov, len);

 * VNetCsumCopyDatagram --
 *      Copy part of datagram to userspace doing checksum at same time.
 *	Do not mark this function INLINE, it is recursive! With all gcc's 
 *	released up to now (<= gcc-3.3.1) inlining this function just
 *	consumes 120 more bytes of code and goes completely mad on
 *	register allocation, storing almost everything in the memory.
 * Results: 
 *	folded checksum (non-negative value) on success,
 *	-EINVAL if offset is too big,
 *	-EFAULT if buffer is an invalid area
 * Side effects:
 *      Data copied to the buffer.

static int
VNetCsumCopyDatagram(const struct sk_buff *skb,	// IN: skb to copy
		     unsigned int offset,	// IN: how many bytes skip
		     char *buf)			// OUT: where to copy data
   unsigned int csum;
   int err = 0;
   int len = skb_headlen(skb) - offset;
   char *curr = buf;
   const skb_frag_t *frag;

    * Something bad happened. We skip only up to skb->nh.raw, and skb->nh.raw
    * must be in the header, otherwise we are in the big troubles.
   if (len < 0) {
      return -EINVAL;

   csum = csum_and_copy_to_user(skb->data + offset, curr, len, 0, &err);
   if (err) {
      return err;
   curr += len;

   for (frag = skb_shinfo(skb)->frags;
	frag != skb_shinfo(skb)->frags + skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
	frag++) {
      if (frag->size > 0) {
	 unsigned int tmpCsum;
	 const void *vaddr;

	 vaddr = kmap(frag->page);
	 tmpCsum = csum_and_copy_to_user(vaddr + frag->page_offset,
					 curr, frag->size, 0, &err);
	 if (err) {
	    return err;
	 csum = csum_block_add(csum, tmpCsum, curr - buf);
	 curr += frag->size;

   for (skb = skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list; skb != NULL; skb = skb->next) {
      int tmpCsum;

      tmpCsum = VNetCsumCopyDatagram(skb, 0, curr);
      if (tmpCsum < 0) {
	 return tmpCsum;
      /* Folded checksum must be inverted before we can use it */
      csum = csum_block_add(csum, tmpCsum ^ 0xFFFF, curr - buf);
      curr += skb->len;
   return csum_fold(csum);

 * VNetCopyDatagramToUser --
 *      Copy complete datagram to the user space. Fill correct checksum
 *	into the copied datagram if nobody did it yet.
 * Results: 
 *      On success byte count, on failure -EFAULT.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

VNetCopyDatagramToUser(const struct sk_buff *skb,	// IN
		       char *buf,			// OUT
		       size_t count)			// IN
   if (count > skb->len) {
      count = skb->len;
    * If truncation occurs, we do not bother with checksumming - caller cannot
    * verify checksum anyway in such case, and copy without checksum is
    * faster.
   if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OUTGOING && 	/* Packet must be outgoing */
       skb->ip_summed == VM_TX_CHECKSUM_PARTIAL &&	/* Without checksum */
       compat_skb_network_header_len(skb) &&    /* We must know where header is */
       skb->len == count) {			/* No truncation may occur */
      size_t skl;
      int csum;
      u_int16_t csum16;
      skl = compat_skb_csum_start(skb);
      if (VNetCopyDatagram(skb, buf, skl)) {
	 return -EFAULT;
      csum = VNetCsumCopyDatagram(skb, skl, buf + skl);
      if (csum < 0) {
	 return csum;
      csum16 = csum;
      if (copy_to_user(buf + skl + compat_skb_csum_offset(skb),
                       &csum16, sizeof csum16)) {
	 return -EFAULT;
   } else {
      if (VNetCopyDatagram(skb, buf, count)) {
	 return -EFAULT;
   return count;

 * VNetUserIfRead --
 *      The virtual network's read file operation. Reads the next pending
 *      packet for this network connection.
 * Results: 
 *      On success the len of the packet received,
 *      else if no packet waiting and nonblocking 0,
 *      else -errno.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

static int 
VNetUserIfRead(VNetPort    *port, // IN
               struct file *filp, // IN
               char        *buf,  // OUT
               size_t      count) // IN
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)port->jack.private;
   struct sk_buff *skb;
   int ret;
   DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);

   add_wait_queue(&userIf->waitQueue, &wait);
   for (;;) {
      skb = skb_peek(&userIf->packetQueue);
      if (skb && (skb->len > count)) {
         skb = NULL;
         ret = -EMSGSIZE;
      ret = -EAGAIN;
      skb = skb_dequeue(&userIf->packetQueue);

      if (userIf->pollPtr) {
         if (skb_queue_empty(&userIf->packetQueue)) {
            *userIf->pollPtr &= ~userIf->pollMask;

      if (skb != NULL || filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
      ret = -EINTR;
      if (signal_pending(current)) {
   remove_wait_queue(&userIf->waitQueue, &wait);
   if (! skb) {
      return ret;


   count = VNetCopyDatagramToUser(skb, buf, count);
   return count;

 * VNetUserIfWrite --
 *      The virtual network's write file operation. Send the raw packet
 *      to the network.
 * Results: 
 *      On success the count of bytes written else errno.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

static int 
VNetUserIfWrite(VNetPort    *port, // IN
                struct file *filp, // IN
                const char  *buf,  // IN
                size_t      count) // IN
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)port->jack.private;
   struct sk_buff *skb;

    * Check size
   if (count < sizeof (struct ethhdr) || 
       count > ETHER_MAX_QUEUED_PACKET) {
      return -EINVAL;

    * Required to enforce the downWhenAddrMismatch policy in the MAC
    * layer. --hpreg
   if (!UP_AND_RUNNING(userIf->port.flags)) {
      return count;

    * Allocate an sk_buff.
   skb = dev_alloc_skb(count + 7);
   if (skb == NULL) {
      // XXX obey O_NONBLOCK?
      return -ENOBUFS;
   skb_reserve(skb, 2);
    * Copy the data and send it.
   if (copy_from_user(skb_put(skb, count), buf, count)) {
      return -EFAULT;
   VNetSend(&userIf->port.jack, skb);

   return count;

 * VNetUserIfIoctl --
 *      XXX
 * Results: 
 *      0 on success
 *      -errno on failure
 * Side effects:
 *      None

static int
VNetUserIfIoctl(VNetPort      *port,  // IN
                struct file   *filp,  // IN
                unsigned int   iocmd, // IN
                unsigned long  ioarg) // IN or OUT depending on iocmd
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)port->jack.private;

   switch (iocmd) {
      return -EINVAL;
#ifdef VMX86_SERVER
       * This ioctl always return failure on ESX since we cannot map pages into 
       * the console os that are from the VMKernel address space which  was the
       * only case we used this.
      return -EINVAL;
#else // VMX86_SERVER
    * ORs pollMask into the integer pointed to by ptr if pending packet. Is
    * cleared when all packets are drained.
      int retval;
      VNet_Notify vn;

      if (copy_from_user(&vn, (void *)ioarg, sizeof vn)) {
         return -EFAULT;

      if (vn.version != VNET_NOTIFY_VERSION ||
          vn.actionVersion != ACTION_EXPORTED_VERSION ||
          vn.actionID / ACTION_WORD_SIZE >= ACTION_NUM_WORDS) {
         return -ENOTTY;

      retval = VNetUserIfSetupNotify(userIf, &vn);
      if (retval < 0) {
         return retval;

#endif // VMX86_SERVER
      if (!userIf->pollPtr) {
	 /* This should always happen on ESX. */
         return -EINVAL;

       * Drain queue when interface is no longer active. We drain the queue to 
       * avoid having old packets delivered to the guest when reneabled.
      if (!UP_AND_RUNNING(userIf->port.flags)) {
         struct sk_buff *skb;
         while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&userIf->packetQueue)) != NULL) {
         if (userIf->pollPtr) {
            /* Clear the pending bit as no packets are pending at this point. */
            *userIf->pollPtr &= ~userIf->pollMask;
         uint8 linkUpFromUser;
         if (copy_from_user(&linkUpFromUser, (void *)ioarg, 
                            sizeof linkUpFromUser)) {
            return -EFAULT;
         if (linkUpFromUser != 0 && linkUpFromUser != 1) {
            return -EINVAL;

         return VNetUserIfSetUplinkState(port, linkUpFromUser);
      return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
   return 0;

 * VNetUserIfPoll --
 *      The virtual network's file poll operation.
 * Results: 
 *      Return POLLIN if success, else sleep and return 0.
 *      FIXME: Should not we always return POLLOUT?
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

static int
VNetUserIfPoll(VNetPort     *port, // IN
               struct file  *filp, // IN
               poll_table   *wait) // IN
   VNetUserIF *userIf = (VNetUserIF*)port->jack.private;
   poll_wait(filp, &userIf->waitQueue, wait);
   if (!skb_queue_empty(&userIf->packetQueue)) {
      return POLLIN;

   return 0;

 * VNetUserIfSetUplinkState --
 *      Sends link state change event.
 * Results: 
 *      0 on success, errno on failure.
 * Side effects:
 *      Link state event is sent to all the event listeners

VNetUserIfSetUplinkState(VNetPort *port, uint8 linkUp)
   VNetUserIF *userIf;
   VNetJack *hubJack;
   VNet_LinkStateEvent event;
   int retval;

   userIf = (VNetUserIF *)port->jack.private;
   hubJack = port->jack.peer;

   if (hubJack == NULL) {
      return -EINVAL;

   if (userIf->eventSender == NULL) {
      /* create event sender */
      retval = VNetHub_CreateSender(hubJack, &userIf->eventSender);
      if (retval != 0) {
         return retval;

   event.header.size = sizeof event;
   retval = VNetEvent_GetSenderId(userIf->eventSender, &event.header.senderId);
   if (retval != 0) {
      LOG(1, (KERN_NOTICE "userif-%d: can't send link state event, "
              "getSenderId failed (%d)\n", userIf->port.id, retval));
      return retval;
   event.header.eventId = 0;
   event.header.classSet = VNET_EVENT_CLASS_UPLINK;
   event.header.type = VNET_EVENT_TYPE_LINK_STATE;
    * XXX kind of a hack, vmx will coalesce linkup/down if they come from the
    * same adapter.
   event.adapter = linkUp;
   event.up = linkUp;
   retval = VNetEvent_Send(userIf->eventSender, &event.header);
   if (retval != 0) {
      LOG(1, (KERN_NOTICE "userif-%d: can't send link state event, send "
              "failed (%d)\n", userIf->port.id, retval));

   LOG(0, (KERN_NOTICE "userif-%d: sent link %s event.", 
           userIf->port.id, linkUp?"up":"down"));

   return retval;

 * VNetUserIf_Create --
 *      Create a user level port to the wonderful world of virtual
 *      networking.
 * Results: 
 *      Errno. Also returns an allocated port to connect to,
 *      NULL on error.
 * Side effects:
 *      None.

VNetUserIf_Create(VNetPort **ret) // OUT
   VNetUserIF *userIf;
   static unsigned id = 0;
   int retval;
   userIf = kmalloc(sizeof *userIf, GFP_USER);
   if (!userIf) {
      return -ENOMEM;

    * Initialize fields.
   userIf->port.id = id++;

   userIf->port.jack.peer = NULL;
   userIf->port.jack.numPorts = 1;
   VNetSnprintf(userIf->port.jack.name, sizeof userIf->port.jack.name,
		"userif%u", userIf->port.id);
   userIf->port.jack.private = userIf;
   userIf->port.jack.index = 0;
   userIf->port.jack.procEntry = NULL;
   userIf->port.jack.free = VNetUserIfFree;
   userIf->port.jack.rcv = VNetUserIfReceive;
   userIf->port.jack.cycleDetect = NULL;
   userIf->port.jack.portsChanged = NULL;
   userIf->port.jack.isBridged = NULL;
   userIf->pollPtr = NULL;
   userIf->actionIntr = NULL;
   userIf->recvClusterCount = NULL;
   userIf->pollPage = NULL;
   userIf->actPage = NULL;
   userIf->recvClusterPage = NULL;
   userIf->pollMask = 0;
   userIf->actionID = -1;
   userIf->port.exactFilterLen = 0;
   userIf->eventSender = NULL;

    * Make proc entry for this jack.
   retval = VNetProc_MakeEntry(userIf->port.jack.name, S_IFREG,
   if (retval) {
      if (retval == -ENXIO) {
         userIf->port.jack.procEntry = NULL;
      } else {
         return retval;
   } else {
      userIf->port.jack.procEntry->read_proc = VNetUserIfProcRead;
      userIf->port.jack.procEntry->data = userIf;

    * Rest of fields.
   userIf->port.flags = IFF_RUNNING;

   memset(userIf->port.paddr, 0, sizeof userIf->port.paddr);
   memset(userIf->port.ladrf, 0, sizeof userIf->port.ladrf);
   memset(userIf->port.exactFilter, 0, sizeof userIf->port.exactFilter);


   userIf->port.fileOpRead = VNetUserIfRead;
   userIf->port.fileOpWrite = VNetUserIfWrite;
   userIf->port.fileOpIoctl = VNetUserIfIoctl;
   userIf->port.fileOpPoll = VNetUserIfPoll;

   memset(&userIf->stats, 0, sizeof userIf->stats);
   *ret = (VNetPort*)userIf;
   return 0;

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail: richard@g8jvm.com   or   richard.bown@blueyonder.co.uk

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian Wheezy/Sid amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 GB RAM
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W & 3 cms:5W

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