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Re: booting Debian-6 in run level 3

On 01/13/2012 06:02 AM, Andrei Popescu wrote:
On Vi, 13 ian 12, 05:47:10, Don Juan wrote:
Or you could just set it in inittab. You can also hit edit on grub
and just type 3 after your boot options and will over ride the
switch to run level 5 and go to 3
There is no switch to runlevel 5 in stock Debian ;)
(because runlevels 2-5 are identical)

Kind regards,
Sure technically they are the same but also technically they are different (X vs. no X) and you do switch from one run level to the other, If you just killed X you would no longer be in run level 5. Would change be more acceptable? :P

To me though the best would be in inittab since that is Linux wide way of switching the default booting run level

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