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Re: Automount

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 07:34:28PM +0100, Csanyi Pal wrote:
> Christian Dysthe <cdysthe@gmail.com> writes:
> > On 01/10/12 at 06:36pm, Csanyi Pal wrote:
> >> Christian Dysthe <cdysthe@gmail.com> writes:
> >> 
> >> > I've been running a relatively minimal desktop for years (Pekwm/hint2).
> >> > I haven't had many devices to connect to my computer so I have mounted
> >> > as needed. Over the last couple of years I've gathered devices I like to
> >> > connect to my computer like cameras, phones and a USB drive so I thought
> >> > it might be time to look into getting automount working. What's the
> >> > easiest way to do this without running Gnome (or KDE)?
> >> >
> >> > I'm running Sid 
> >> 
> >> I have installed usbmount that automatically mount and unmount USB mass
> >> storage devices.
> >
> > Will USB mount work with a phone and MicroSD cards in the card reader on
> > the laptop? I've tested in Gnome and both mounts there.
> I don't have any of them so I don't know. However, you can try.

I believe either thunar or pcmanfm (graphical file managers) come with all that automount stuff preconfigured.
so you could just aptitude install pcmanfm, or something, if you want a graphical file manager to handle that.
I'm not sure what other graphical bloat they're likely to bring with them.
Thunar, iirc, is part of the XFCE desktop, but I don't think you need to install xfce to use it.
To my knowledge, they both use gtk.

all tony, all the time

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