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Re: bootmisc.sh

On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 11:10:11AM +0000, Balint Szigeti wrote:
> I found this
> *                            : > */var/run/utmp
> in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh on Debian 6.0.3
> Can you explain what does " : > " mean?
> Thank you
> Balint

my /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh

shows these lines:


# Create /var/run/utmp so we can login.
: > /var/run/utmp


A trial in my home dir

: > oo

creates an empty file rsp. puts a non-empty file to zero size

It seems to do the same as a manually keyed command:

> oo

(I didn't check whether a difference would turn out within a script.)


Wilko Fokken                            Education is a man's going
Landschaftspolder 67                    from cocksure ignorance
D-26831 Bunde                           to thoughtful uncertainty.
Tel. 04953-9219882

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