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Re: OT: deferring gmail's new look

Lisi <lisi.reisz@gmail.com> writes:
>> > One man's meat is another man's poison!  The Conversations are the single
>> > thing I most dislike on GMail.  They make such a mess of threading.
>> I don't understand this comment. That's what conversations *are*, threaded
>> messages.  It's just another name for "message threading."  How does
>> message threading -- break message threading?
> Because it *isn't* threading.  Threading goes by an entry in the header,  
> conversations ignores the headers and goes by subject.  This frequently 
> breaks threads, which can be very annoying.
> So no, it isn't just another name for threading.  That is why, I imagine, 
> GMail doesn't call it threading. 

Indeed, though to be fair to google, they almost certainly did this
because many people are very, er, ... careless about such things, and
simply reply to some random message from the desired recipient when
they want to send new email on a different topic.  Things can quickly
get very confusing when lots of people do that...

Still, it'd be nice if they made it some sort of user-option, ideally
based on context (e.g. for my family, I'd probably leave "real
threading" turned off, but for technical mailing lists, I'd keep it


... reality itself is blind unintelligent force, and it is only a fluke,
it is only as a result of pure chances, that resulting from the
exuberance of this energy there are people, with values, with reason,
with languages, with cultures, ... and with love.  Just a fluke.
[Alan Watts, "The Ceramic and the Fully Automatic"]

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