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Re: Is there any helper module to boost cgi performance ?

On Thu, 22 Dec 2011 22:13:45 -0700
Bob Proulx <bob@proulx.com> wrote:

> J. Bakshi wrote:
> > The cgi in debian squeez terribly slow down apache. Is there any
> > apache module which can speed up the cgi ?
> I know you are already aware of FastCGI.  A lot of large high
> performance sites use FastCGI and it should be as fast as anything.
> I tend to think of CGI as a quick and dirty way to program for the
> web.  It has been around forever and the applications that use it are
> targeting reliable functionalty not performance.  It isn't meant to be
> fast.  It isn't really slow either.  It is was really just a good
> enough interface.  It works.
> These days I set up a lot of Apache reverse proxies to dedicated
> servers.  Mostly because of the accidents of the way things have
> evolved.  But they work out fairly well anyway.  These are either PHP
> or Rails sites.  Of course Rails pretty much requires a Passenger
> standalone server and a reverse proxy to it.  Before Passenger it was
> Mongrel.  In any case, the methodology does work and you can even load
> balance things if you want.
> So a few questions...
> What are you trying to do?  What performance numbers are you seeing
> now?  What are your target numbers?  How much time is being spent in
> your application code versus in the application framework?
> Bob

Hello Bob,

Yes, I also have fastcgi to call php 5.2 as some of the old sites require it.
But I need to continue with cgi as svn is based on web interface and also viewvc is there too.
Plus nagios.

Regarding performance... my bad... a simple php sites takes 30 sec to come up and after that
the browsing through that site seems little faster... but still  the lenny server is performing really
fine than squeeze. Again the said squeeze server is not a remote one but just a local server reached by
the same sites present in both this local server and remote developments server, and I see the performance in
local server is *prominently* slow. Even in the remote box (opensuse 11.2) the same sites open within 2/3 sec.
H/W are same in both the suse and debian squeez box.

Can libapache2-mod-speedycgi and speedy-cgi-perl help to get speed ?


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