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Re: Icedove Tab Bar - Ugly

On 22/12/11 22:29, Ashton Fagg wrote:
> Hi list,
> Minor annoyance (more cosmetic than anything) with Icedove. I've made
> the observation that the tab bar is very out of place. The surrounds are
> grey, but the tab is white and it looks just plain awful. I've not seen
> this on any other distro (or Windoze for that matter).

And I thought you were being petty - but that is one ugly theme. Is that
one of the benefits of Gnome?

> Is there a way to fix this without installing another theme? 

If you don't want another theme (which I suspect is the best option)
just modify your existing one (warning - lot's of icons, much more
complicated than Iceweasel theming).
Take a look in Addons Manager => Appearance. See what theme is currently
installed (I think it's either bugfuttugly or clubittodeath) - download
and unzip the same theme, and modify to suit - or put it out of it's
misery and start with something that won't sour milk while it's still in
the cow.

> I've taken a screenshot of what I mean (see here: http://i.imgur.com/WaGod.png).
> PS - This is Squeeze with Icedove 5 from Backports.
> Cheers.


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