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Re: lxde "customize look and feel"

On Mon, 19 Dec 2011 11:29:12 -0600
Hugo Vanwoerkom <hvw59601@care2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed lxde in a VM running Debian Wheezy under vmplayer, to see 
> what it is like.
> Preferences -> Customize Look and Feel does nothing. Is that supposed
> to be that way?

Looks like it. Nothing happens in my sid, but it is an ex-Gnome system,
and that entry may be relevant to Gnome.
> What would I be missing? I installed lxde with 'apt-get 
> --no-install-recommends install lxde' because otherwise I would
> install the universe, just too many notes :-)

What WM is it using? By default it is openbox, and the additional
themes are in openbox-themes. If this is the case, the Openbox
Configuration Manager in Preferences should display the themes, adjust
window behaviour, etc.


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