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Re: relocation error: and segmentation fault

Dennis Wicks wrote:
Sorry!! I clicked the wrong icon and sent the previous message by mistake!)

I was running aptitude and it canceled for some reason. Now
I am getting

relocation error: /lib/libproc-3.2.7.so: symbol memset, version
GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference

and also

symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6:
undefined symbol: _ZNSt8messagesIcE2idE, version GLIBCXX_3.4

and also segmentation fault.

This happens when I try to do something in a console window or a
gnome-terminal window. And nothing else happens. I am also getting a ton
of segmentation fault message in my f1 console session.

I'm afraid to try shutting down and restarting because I'm fearful that
it may not even come up!

Yes, that's _very_ likely.

Any suggestions? Oh yes, aptitude, apt-get and dpkg won't start.

I guess you've lost some important library.
The easiest way would be to use a live distro on a cdrom or USB stick and use that to mount your system partitions and install the missing packages.
downloaded packages may still be in /var/cache/apt.
/var/log/apt/history might tell you what went wrong.

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