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Re: Re: giac

>You can also contact the package owner and ask him/her if he/she is 
>interested in (co)maintaining the package directly at Debian 
>repositories :-?

Ok, I forwarded Your reply to Bernard Parisse and his reply is: 

# excellente demarche, j'espere que maintenant que giac a bien gagne en
# maturite, vous aurez plus de succes que nous n'en avons eu (ca fait depuis
# 2004 que la demande a ete faite, mais elle n'a jusqu'a present pas eu de succes).

In English:
excellent initiative, I hope that now, that giac has been matured, you will 
have more success than we had. That request was made since 2004 but it has 
so far not been success.

Bernard wrote to me that the maintenance of the package giac did not
give any problem to him because he does it already.
If someone can reply to Bernard directly I give you his e-mail :




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