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Using Debian Wheezy updated to today.

I get this message if I try to start any KDE applications:

KGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being 
   recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake 
   component, this usually means you tried to call i18n 
   related functions before your main component was created. 
   You should not do that since it most likely will not work

So I have purged everything that I know has any connection with KDE.

However, there are still 201 processes working and four users and I
don't recall this activity previously.

Funny, I liked KDE but in the last few years it has turned toxic for
me. So many things went wrong with it again and again, I spent more
time fixing than doing. But I must still have some KDE things on my

Have used FVWM for the last few years.

How can I find any applications that I have which come from KDE so I
can get rid of them.

Thanks in advance.

Registered Linux User:- 329524
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