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Re: web server migration

On 10/12/11 22:26, steve reilly wrote:
good afternoon

looking for input on moving a couple small family websites from a
desktop machine running lenny to a poweredge 4600 I just bought.
poweredge has two 73gb scsi drives, perc3 embedded raid. in process of
formatting drives, and then setting up container. desktop has a 300gb
drive, all one partition, but only about 4gb used. ideally would like to
just somehow dd or rsync contents of the desktop to the other machine.

question. how would YOU do it with minimal hassle, ie. having to edit
config files, databases and such. this thing has been running since etch
and been a learning process along the way.... i doubt my idea of cloning
would work, but?

I manage quite a few different web sites, including my own personal one based on Wordpress. Generically they are all managed in a similar way, although to be fair, there is a slight difference in how I manage my workpress one.

Firstly, in general, I have two versions of the web site. One that remains on my desktop where I develop changes to it, and one that resides on the production server, wherever that may be. My home server runs a copy of dnsmasq as a dns server for the house and has a config file that defines lots of host names for my desktop machine. These name let me know what site I am using but all sit in the .home domain - so for instance, my production site is www.chandlerfamily.org.uk, my home equivalent if cf.home. Another site I manage is www.melindasbackups.com, my home machine is mb.home. etc etc

I run the apache2-mpm-itk package on my desktop. This allows me to add the AssignUserId directive to my virtual host config to ensure that I am reading and writing files to the location in my home directory as me rather than the more normal www-data.

I run local copies of mysql and postgres (and sqlite) on my desktop machine as they are all databases that drive the different sites I manage. There are mostly copies I have taken of the production site, although I normally ensure that the password to access them is different.

The web site itself is stored in a git repository. Generally speaking there is the files that make up the web site itself - stored in a sub directory called web plus other important supporting files (for instance the apache config) which are stored in other directories.

The important part is post commit/post-merge hooks (stored in .git/hooks/post-commit with .git/hooks/post-merge symlinked to it). Here is the version I use with my Wordpress site (which, as I implied above I manage slightly differently to the other sites, as I only update the theme files this way). Nevertheless it shows the key use

# If merging or committing to site or test branches, load up appropriate directories on host
branch=$(git branch | sed  -n s/^\*\ //p)
version=$(git describe --tags)

cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"
echo "<?php echo '$version';?>" > web/inc/version.inc

if [ "$branch" == "site" ]; then
        # Copy all to the theme directory on main site
rsync -aqz --delete ./ www-data@owl:/var/www/chandlerfamily/wp-content/themes/czen/

#   Changelog
#   02 Mar 2011 - Initial version after setting theme as its own repository

This interesting part is how I parse the git branch I am on, and establish a version number for the site. The version gets embedded into a file for inclusion on the site, then IF I am on the site branch I use rsync to ssh copy the appropriate files to the appropriate place on the production server.

(With wordpress, I allow its own update mechanisms to install and manage itself and the plugins - with other packages - particularly the SMF forum I use quite a bit I use a different mechanism that is detailed in this article



Although my explanation may seem quite complex, it works out as really useful tidy way to manage sites. They always need updating from time to time and it is quite hard to remember all the details if you work with lots of different sites. With my mechanism its simple - ensure you are on branch master with git (my command line prompt actually includes the branch name in square brackets when ever I am inside a git repository*) make the changes and test locally. When you are happy with them do

git checkout site
git merge master
(site is automatically updated to new version)
git checkout master

* The command line prompt is set in .bashrc
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]$(output-git-head-or-blank)\$ '

with the command output-git-head-or-blank being

PS_GIT=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)&&echo "[$(basename $PS_GIT)]"&&exit

# else output nothing

Alan Chandler

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