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Re: Convert MaxMind binary .dat to CSV

On 10/09/11 00:58, Gary Golden wrote:
Is there a way to convert MaxMind paid .dat files to CSV?
A customer has only such format and haven't CSVs.

Maybe I'm just cynical - but when I've been asked the same question the client didn't have a license. *If* your client has a valid license number just download the .csv files (choose from Oracle or MySQL format).

NOTE: buying a license is much cheaper than paying me to reverse the binary (which is not hard, hint: ICANN blocks + free MaxMind csv)

Of course - if your're offering the lion's share of the fee for doing all the work....


"It's really weird how your life changes. Tonight I'm drinking water. Four years ago? Opium. Night and day, you know?"
— Bill Hicks

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