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OT questions about noscript and notscript

I'm curious about the differences between noscript and notscript.
I ask here because this is the list on which I discovered the
existence of (and the need for) these add-ons to web browsers.

1. There seems not to be a direct, feature for feature add-on to
Chrome that corresponds to noscript for Iceweasel. Correct?

2. Setup of notscript involves choosing a rather long password.
There is no such requirement in noscript for iceweasel. Correct?

3. Is this difference because there features in chrome that have
no analog in iceweasel, and blocking these requires something 
extra? Or what?

It seems one needs to have quite a long password (>20char). But
one can be somewhat relaxed about the way it is stored. Correct?
Is there a discussion of this situation somewhere that is written
in natural language English? Where?

I come to this question being with a mostly obsolete vocabulary
of words about the Internet. Is there a well maintained glossary
of terms somewhere? One that includes historical usage as well
as the most recent buzz? (so I can track new vs. what was once
new, long ago)

Paul E Condon           

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