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Re: skype-debian_2.2.0.35-1_amd64.deb

2011-06-12 11:10, Mathieu Malaterre skrev:
  skype depends on lib32stdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-21)
Why put amd64 in the name then...

Because it is a package for the amd64 architecture of debian. You could try installing the i386-package and see for yourself that it is less simple, and it would probably involve forcing dpkg to pretend that it is working on an i386 architecture, and you would have to make sure that you have the corresponding 32-bit libraries.

As Mathieu wrote, the fact that the actual binary is 32-bit is not a problem, as a 64-bit linux can run those. The problem with 32-bit packages is the availability of the supporting libraries, as the binary tries to load 32-bit versions of the libraries it needs. As the skype package is packaged for the amd64-architecture, its dependencies can be resolved by apt running on a 64-bit system.

(I believe the solutions to such issues will come when the "multiarch" release-goal is fully implemented in debian.)

Hope it helps.

/ johan

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