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SLAAC IPv6 only interface


I'm trying (as a lab exercise) to set an interface to activate only with SLAAC IPv6 address. No IPv4, no static, no dhcp. Problem is I can't find a configuration that makes the interface to startup without static or dynamic (dhcp) configurations.

What I've tried is something like

auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet6 dhcp

instead of dhcp, I´ve tried dhcp6, dhcpv6, slaac, but to no avail. Does somebody know how to make this work?

I know the network is working. If I force the interface up with 'ifconfig eth0 up', the interface does start, and it gets the IPv6 address via slaac after a couple of seconds. But I can't find out what to put in the interfaces file to make it start automatically, without having any IPv4 address.

Any ideas?



                Marcos Roberto Greiner

   Os otimistas acham que estamos no melhor dos mundos
    Os pessimistas tem medo de que isto seja verdade
                                  James Branch Cabell

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