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Re: External hard drive with mounting problems

2011/3/19 Jason Hsu <jhsu802701@jasonhsu.com>:
> I have a 250 GB Seagate Expansion Portable Hard Drive that sometimes won't mount.  I end up having to use TestDisk to recover my files from it, and then I have to reformat the drive.  The drive works for a while, and then it becomes unmountable sometime later.  I've had this happen with the drive formatted as NTFS (original) and ext2.
> The messages I get in the dialog box when I use the GUI to mount are "Unable to mount device" and "Error<i>org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure</i>".

Did your USB cable moved even by mm? I have similar problems with my
external hdd, it is always losing connection when cable is moved even
by 1mm. What you have in your /dev/sd* after lost connection ? ( in my
case sdbX is still mounted, but there is no such thing as sdb* in
/dev/, instead I have sdc which I can mount in exact same place as
sdb, but it just repeating of process )

> The drive is listed in GParted as /dev/sdc, and the partition is /dev/sdc1.  When I try to mount the drive in a shell, I get an error message telling me that it's not listed in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab.  This is the case whether I try to mount the drive as /dev/sdc, /dev/sdc1, /mnt/sdc, or /mnt/sdc1.
Try mounting sdd1 ( if you don't have any other sdd in /dev/ ) or
whatever it will be

> I did once try using the shred command to get rid of deleted files and to see if there were any problems.  Shred had no difficulty writing to any part of the disk.
> What exactly is going on here?  Does my drive have a hardware problem?  What tools can I use to evaluate the condition of this drive?

Just strange behavior of mount/kernel/usb external drives/whatever. I
never got to WHAT exactly is happening there.

jid: darkestkhan@gmail.com
May The Source be with You.

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