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Re: [Semi-OT] Advice on whether a C++ book is still adequate

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 20:46, Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the dusty book "Teach Yourself C++ 4th Ed" by Al Stevens, from...
> 1995 and wonder that if I go thru it will I screw myself up because of new
> language features.

I don't know much about C++, but I remember how much Mozilla said their
C++ coding changed from the old stuff (~1999) to the newer. They said  much
of the old code was considered ok at the time, but was just awful now. There
was some specific feature (exceptions maybe? not sure at all) that they had
rolled themselves and they where doing a lot of work to switch to the newer,
standardized way, as well as other general clean up.

All in all what I take from it is that it isn't so much the features,
but how they
are used. I think C++ just wasn't a really mature language till the early 2000s

Kelly Clowers

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