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Re: shopt -s checkwinsize gone?

On 02/23/2011 07:19 PM, Thilo Six wrote:
Thilo Six wrote the following on 24.02.2011 01:11

Wayne Topa wrote the following on 23.02.2011 22:39

Hi Debainites

I just tried, on a testing/unstable partition, the above command
and it no longer works. It (shopt) is still shown in the bash 4.1-3
man page so I would expect it to work.

I have both bash and bash -completion 1:1.3-1 installed.

Have I missed something obvious, again?



I am using squeeze but bash hasn´t been updated in unstable since and therefore
the versions are the same. Here it works:

$ shopt -u checkwinsize
$ shopt | grep checkwin
checkwinsize    off
$ shopt -s checkwinsize
$ shopt | grep checkwin
checkwinsize    on
I get the same here as you have shown and

~$ shopt checkwinsize
checkwinsize    on

PS. does
$ \shopt -s checkwinsize

work for you?
VT/dev/pts/4 wtopa@dj-SQUEEZE]
~$ \shopt -s checkwinsize

[VT/dev/pts/4 wtopa@dj-SQUEEZE]

I haven't uses this in ages but IIRC shopt -s checkwinsize used to show the display size.

Thanks for checking & the reply.


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