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Re: VirtualBox 4 fails building kernel module (the same with nvidia module)

"tv.debian@googlemail.com" <tv.debian@googlemail.com> writes:

>The problem with extraversion and 2.6.37 is known, it's been reported
>here if I remember, look for a message starting with "kernel-package:
>2.6.37" in the archives. But since it seems to affect only proprietary
>software I guess they'll have to adapt.

Since I was the one to report that, I should correct some things I got
wrong. The problem also exists in 2.6.36 - that's when it was
introduced, and I had to revert two commits to fix it:

7b8ea53d7f1865cd8f05dfb8f706a4ff5a72abcf (makefile: not need to
regenerate kernel.release file when make kernelrelease)

01ab17887f4cdcb8bb5a5d1bc3b160d186e6e99b (Makefile: "make kernelrelease"
should show the correct full kernel version)

I don't know if this is related to the OP's issues - I don't use nvidia

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