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Re: need help making shell script use two CPUs/cores

> unfortunately that simple approach is harder to do with my renaming
> scheme.  So I would probably write a helper script that did the
> options to convert and renamed the file and so forth.

>   for k in *.JPG; do
>     base=$(basename $k .JPG)
>     test -f $base.1024.jpg && continue  # skip if already done
>     echo $k;
>   done | xargs -L1 -P4 echo my-convert-helper

> And my-convert-helper could take the argument and apply the options in
> the order needed and so forth.

If you want to use the renaming form of the command (which I also tend
to prefer), then I think that using a Makefile makes a lot of sense (and
GNU make's -j argument lets you specify parallel behavior).


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