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[SLVED] Re: how to get pid when I start the process

Several people offered advise. The trick is really how to locate and
kill the parent process, because I have tried otherwise and failed.
Following suggestion from Bob Proulx, killing all processes would ends
up with corrupted temporary files in my case. Bob wrote in detail
explanation of how thinks works which should serve great reference
material for new reader/learners on the list.

One idea offered by Chris Davies is to find the process with R tag, but
I tried and end up feeling that one isn't always the parent process.

Bill Dennen and Richard Hector together offered the advice to run the
process in foreground and sink them to background with shell '&'
postfix, and then obtaining the sunken process' ID from the shell using
special '$!', which works wonderfully for me, thus solved the case.

Thanks all for comments.

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