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Re: using jigdo or/and rsync to keep images freshen.

shirish शिरीष <shirishag75@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had been trying (unsuccessfully though) to use jigdo. Here's what I
> have been trying/wanting to do.

> From what I know Debian released Squeeze 6.0 b2 about 3-4 days  (on
> 6th IIRC). Now I know that debian also has a weekly build which is
> built every week which has all the updates as well has the latest
> updates to the debian-installer (specifically the graphical installer).

> What I want to do is keep the image current to whatever would be the
> weekly build.

You want the install image to remain as up-to-date as possible? OK. If
you want to use jigdo, your dependency is on the jigdo template.

Here's an example of how I would use jigdo for a CD image:


- Install and run "jigdo-lite"

    jigdo: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/i386/jigdo-cd/debian-testing-i386-CD-1.jigdo
    Files to scan: {none}
    Debian mirror: http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/

- This will download the ".jigdo" and ".template" files, which define
  the set of packages required, and where in the CD image each is to sit

- It will then download the packages for the CD image one at a time,
  and every so often will write those to the CD image defined by the
  template file

Here's the "clever" part. Should you want to update the image you have
previously (part) built, you simply mount it as a loopback (file-based)
CD image, and reference its mountpoint in the "Files to scan" prompt
from jigdo-lite:

    sudo mkdir /mnt/iso
    sudo mount -o loop debian-testing-i386-CD-1.iso.tmp /mnt/iso

I should point out that I tend to jigdo only rarely, as my systems have
online access and I can run an "aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade"
pair immediately after a minimal installation. This also means I usually
only download the first CD rather than a full DVD set.


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