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My server catched a rootkit?

I have a VDS under Debian Lenny,
~# uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.4-ent #1 SMP Tue Aug 17 19:03:05 MSD 2010 i686

I have received the next messages from crondaemon:
Internal error!
Internal error!

and from rkhunter that my server have problems which you can see in the
attached log inculding detected SHV4 Rootkit and SHV5 Rootkit

When I try to start rkhunter in the shell of that server it doesn't want
to work.
chkrootkit tell me about problems too (see attached log).

unhide-tcp does not want to work as rkhunter, unhide finds seen in
attached logs.

clamav find the next:
/sbin/ttymon: Trojan.Linux.Rootkit.A FOUND
/usr/bin/find: Linux.Rootkit-25 FOUND
/usr/bin/pstree: Trojan.Rootkit-118 FOUND
/usr/lib/libsh/.sniff/shsniff: Trojan.Linux.Sysniff FOUND
/usr/lib/libsh/shsb: Linux.LionCleaner FOUND

debsums tell me the next:
 grep -i failed debsums20101126.log


Is it a rootkit or other error? What I need to do - remove infected
files, reinstall the above
packeges or give an order to my vds-provider for reinstalling my server
at all?!

Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/bash
         Current inode: 1297223    Stored inode: 2594446
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/cat
         Current inode: 1297207    Stored inode: 2594414
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/chmod
         Current inode: 1297184    Stored inode: 2594368
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/chown
         Current inode: 1297182    Stored inode: 2594364
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/cp
         Current inode: 1297206    Stored inode: 2594412
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/csh
         Current inode: 1296846    Stored inode: 2593692
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/date
         Current inode: 1297187    Stored inode: 2594374
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/df
         Current inode: 1297190    Stored inode: 2594380
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/dmesg
         Current inode: 1297211    Stored inode: 2594422
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/echo
         Current inode: 1297172    Stored inode: 2594344
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/ed
         Current inode: 1297197    Stored inode: 2594394
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/egrep
         Current inode: 1297221    Stored inode: 2594442
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/fgrep
         Current inode: 1297228    Stored inode: 2594456
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/fuser
         Current inode: 1297180    Stored inode: 2594360
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/grep
         Current inode: 1297216    Stored inode: 2594432
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/ip
         Current inode: 1297175    Stored inode: 2594350
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/kill
         Current inode: 1297176    Stored inode: 2594352
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/login
         Current inode: 1297255    Stored inode: 2594510
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/ls
         Current hash: 7a795a4171d5299bd0a872ee8167302e987a2b60
         Stored hash : e35f41d4f1d356219b3e1c6d306d3dbf7ac7e2d0
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308981    Stored inode: 2594494
         Current size: 39696    Stored size: 92312
Warning: File '/bin/ls' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/lsmod
         Current inode: 1297252    Stored inode: 2594504
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/mktemp
         Current inode: 1297241    Stored inode: 2594482
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/more
         Current inode: 1297196    Stored inode: 2594392
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/mount
         Current inode: 1297188    Stored inode: 2594376
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/mv
         Current inode: 1297242    Stored inode: 2594484
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/netstat
         Current hash: 3fb2b2713e99bbf8a9a0700ecbc823d060c3d0b7
         Stored hash : 096cd3d2d46aefe3594961840d0f64c135cea90d
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308988    Stored inode: 2594462
         Current size: 54152    Stored size: 103048
Warning: File '/bin/netstat' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/ps
         Current hash: 46efcecf8383aee782f62bfc599edaa2e3c29903
         Stored hash : 234bba6212ca0cee9718bd74316d7c81e5e0b570
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308989    Stored inode: 2594460
         Current size: 62920    Stored size: 75724
Warning: File '/bin/ps' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/pwd
         Current inode: 1297210    Stored inode: 2594420
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/readlink
         Current inode: 1297213    Stored inode: 2594426
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/sed
         Current inode: 1297218    Stored inode: 2594436
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/sh
         Current inode: 1297217    Stored inode: 2594434
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/su
         Current inode: 1297208    Stored inode: 2594416
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/touch
         Current inode: 1297185    Stored inode: 2594370
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/uname
         Current inode: 1297199    Stored inode: 2594398
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/which
         Current inode: 1297246    Stored inode: 2594492
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /bin/tcsh
         Current inode: 1297235    Stored inode: 2594470
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/awk
         Current inode: 1655623    Stored inode: 3311246
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/basename
         Current inode: 1658664    Stored inode: 3317328
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/chattr
         Current inode: 1658810    Stored inode: 3317620
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/cut
         Current inode: 1658385    Stored inode: 3316770
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/diff
         Current inode: 1658630    Stored inode: 3317260
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/dirname
         Current inode: 1658619    Stored inode: 3317238
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/dpkg
         Current inode: 1658437    Stored inode: 3316926
         Current file modification time: 1282679782
         Stored file modification time : 1268080529
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/dpkg-query
         Current inode: 1658608    Stored inode: 3317428
         Current file modification time: 1282679782
         Stored file modification time : 1268080529
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/du
         Current inode: 1658639    Stored inode: 3317278
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/env
         Current inode: 1658304    Stored inode: 3316608
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/file
         Current inode: 1658322    Stored inode: 3316644
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/find
         Current hash: 56ada806da802a8c0ad244eb754024bd421e8f85
         Stored hash : 10809bffe6f8477f195e00bf1a3fbb64589064f3
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308984    Stored inode: 3316932
         Current size: 59536    Stored size: 134588
Warning: File '/usr/bin/find' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/GET
         Current inode: 1660631    Stored inode: 3317652
         Current file modification time: 1284483164
         Stored file modification time : 1215865853
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/groups
         Current inode: 1658372    Stored inode: 3316744
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/head
         Current inode: 1658418    Stored inode: 3316836
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/id
         Current inode: 1658765    Stored inode: 3317530
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/killall
         Current inode: 1658395    Stored inode: 3316790
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/last
         Current inode: 1658363    Stored inode: 3316726
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/lastlog
         Current inode: 1658334    Stored inode: 3316668
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/ldd
         Current inode: 1661775    Stored inode: 3319600
         Current file modification time: 1287701079
         Stored file modification time : 1275783797
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/less
         Current inode: 1658757    Stored inode: 3317514
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/logger
         Current inode: 1658663    Stored inode: 3317326
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/lsattr
         Current inode: 1658572    Stored inode: 3317144
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/lsof
         Current inode: 1658865    Stored inode: 3317730
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/lynx
         Current inode: 1655656    Stored inode: 3311312
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/mail
         Current inode: 1655640    Stored inode: 3311280
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/md5sum
         Current hash: 082f99da99198e0cd9fcd14f2511cfb0e9eded60
         Stored hash : b94d5cddf403ac24ef2a78433e1cb13565252a35
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308986    Stored inode: 3316906
         Current size: 31452    Stored size: 31776
Warning: File '/usr/bin/md5sum' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/newgrp
         Current inode: 1658451    Stored inode: 3316902
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/passwd
         Current inode: 1658901    Stored inode: 3317802
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/perl
         Current inode: 1658715    Stored inode: 3317430
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/pstree
         Current hash: e1c728b135a299597009081ab9362b6e970b5bb7
         Stored hash : a8e8b26ad1c1f7ea757dcbd7566444fc78ee28af
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308995    Stored inode: 3317130
         Current size: 12340    Stored size: 14072
Warning: File '/usr/bin/pstree' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/rkhunter
         Current inode: 1660745    Stored inode: 3321490
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/runcon
         Current inode: 1658401    Stored inode: 3316802
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/sha1sum
         Current inode: 1658864    Stored inode: 3317728
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/size
         Current inode: 1658566    Stored inode: 3317132
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/sort
         Current inode: 1658499    Stored inode: 3316998
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/stat
         Current inode: 1658449    Stored inode: 3316898
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/strings
         Current inode: 1658487    Stored inode: 3316974
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/sudo
         Current inode: 1660462    Stored inode: 3320924
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/tail
         Current inode: 1658838    Stored inode: 3317676
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/test
         Current inode: 1658370    Stored inode: 3316740
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/top
         Current hash: 097e4392870094d6b328ac5e2b67ea4a56a59adc
         Stored hash : f6c3ac4d0fb3b5c708ee74d70799dd16f2ddb025
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308990    Stored inode: 3317556
         Current size: 33992    Stored size: 65656
Warning: File '/usr/bin/top' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/touch
         Current inode: 1658516    Stored inode: 3317032
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/tr
         Current inode: 1658808    Stored inode: 3317616
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/uniq
         Current inode: 1658343    Stored inode: 3316686
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/users
         Current inode: 1658652    Stored inode: 3317304
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/vmstat
         Current inode: 1658795    Stored inode: 3317590
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/w
         Current inode: 1655661    Stored inode: 3311322
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/watch
         Current inode: 1658346    Stored inode: 3316692
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/wc
         Current inode: 1658786    Stored inode: 3317572
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/wget
         Current inode: 1658297    Stored inode: 3316594
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/whatis
         Current inode: 1658677    Stored inode: 3317354
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/whereis
         Current inode: 1658357    Stored inode: 3316714
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/which
         Current inode: 1658610    Stored inode: 3317220
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/who
         Current inode: 1658678    Stored inode: 3317356
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/whoami
         Current inode: 1658571    Stored inode: 3317142
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/tcsh
         Current inode: 1658885    Stored inode: 3317770
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/gawk
         Current inode: 1658829    Stored inode: 3317658
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/lwp-request
         Current inode: 1660630    Stored inode: 3316874
         Current file modification time: 1283178459
         Stored file modification time : 1215865817
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/lynx.cur
         Current inode: 1658482    Stored inode: 3316964
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/bsd-mailx
         Current inode: 1658342    Stored inode: 3316684
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/bin/w.procps
         Current inode: 1658408    Stored inode: 3316816
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/depmod
         Current inode: 1297274    Stored inode: 2594548
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/ifconfig
         Current hash: 2b4f36485056ab6edde2521f8dda623dfe603e0d
         Stored hash : 90eaf74a7755f86b570d7918a923a8ff564823ae
         Current uid: 122    Stored uid: 0
         Current gid: 114    Stored gid: 0
         Current inode: 8308987    Stored inode: 2594688
         Current size: 31504    Stored size: 61736
Warning: File '/sbin/ifconfig' has the immutable-bit set.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/ifdown
         Current inode: 1297326    Stored inode: 2594652
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/ifup
         Current inode: 1297369    Stored inode: 2594738
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/init
         Current inode: 1297364    Stored inode: 2594728
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/insmod
         Current inode: 1297294    Stored inode: 2594588
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/ip
         Current inode: 1297271    Stored inode: 2594542
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/lsmod
         Current inode: 1297368    Stored inode: 2594736
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/modinfo
         Current inode: 1297371    Stored inode: 2594742
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/modprobe
         Current inode: 1297378    Stored inode: 2594756
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/rmmod
         Current inode: 1297298    Stored inode: 2594596
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/runlevel
         Current inode: 1297308    Stored inode: 2594616
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/sulogin
         Current inode: 1297285    Stored inode: 2594570
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/sysctl
         Current inode: 1297317    Stored inode: 2594634
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /sbin/syslogd
         Current inode: 1297323    Stored inode: 2594646
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/adduser
         Current inode: 1430232    Stored inode: 2860464
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/chroot
         Current inode: 1430225    Stored inode: 2860450
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/cron
         Current inode: 1430291    Stored inode: 2860582
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/groupadd
         Current inode: 1430321    Stored inode: 2860642
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/groupdel
         Current inode: 1430318    Stored inode: 2860636
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/groupmod
         Current inode: 1430341    Stored inode: 2860682
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/grpck
         Current inode: 1430229    Stored inode: 2860458
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/nologin
         Current inode: 1430359    Stored inode: 2860718
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/pwck
         Current inode: 1430361    Stored inode: 2860722
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/tcpd
         Current inode: 1430276    Stored inode: 2860552
Warning: The file '/usr/sbin/unhide' exists on the system, but it is not present in the rkhunter.dat file.
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/useradd
         Current inode: 1430266    Stored inode: 2860532
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/userdel
         Current inode: 1430285    Stored inode: 2860570
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/usermod
         Current inode: 1430258    Stored inode: 2860516
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/vipw
         Current inode: 1430364    Stored inode: 2860728
Warning: The file properties have changed:
         File: /usr/sbin/xinetd
         Current inode: 1430337    Stored inode: 2860674
Warning: The file '/usr/sbin/unhide-linux26' exists on the system, but it is not present in the rkhunter.dat file.
Warning: SHV4 Rootkit                             [ Warning ]
         File '/lib/lidps1.so' found
Warning: SHV5 Rootkit                             [ Warning ]
         File '/etc/sh.conf' found
         File '/dev/srd0' found
         Directory '/usr/lib/libsh' found
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/ftp_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/poppassd_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/smtp_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/smtps_psa
Warning: Found enabled xinetd service: /etc/xinetd.d/submission_psa
Warning: No output found from the lsmod command or the /proc/modules file:
         /proc/modules output: 
         lsmod output: 
Warning: Network TCP port 6667 is being used by /usr/sbin/tor. Possible rootkit: Possible rogue IRC bot
         Use the 'lsof -i' or 'netstat -an' command to check this.
Warning: The SSH and rkhunter configuration options should be the same:
         SSH configuration option 'PermitRootLogin': yes
         Rkhunter configuration option 'ALLOW_SSH_ROOT_USER': no
Warning: Application 'gpg', version '1.4.9', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.
Warning: Application 'openssl', version '0.9.8g', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.
Warning: Application 'php', version '5.2.6', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.
Warning: Application 'sshd', version '5.1p1', is out of date, and possibly a security risk.

Checking `ifconfig'...                                      INFECTED
Checking `inetd'...                                         Unknown HZ value! (57) Assume 100.
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
not infected
Checking `netstat'...                                       INFECTED
Checking `pstree'...                                        INFECTED
Checking `sshd'...                                          Unknown HZ value! (57) Assume 100.
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
not infected
Checking `top'...                                           INFECTED
Searching for t0rn's v8 defaults...                         Possible t0rn v8 (or variation) rootkit installed
Searching for Showtee...                                    Warning: Possible Showtee Rootkit installed
Searching for Romanian rootkit...                            /usr/include/file.h /usr/include/proc.h
Checking `bindshell'...                                     INFECTED (PORTS:  465)
Checking `lkm'...                                           Unknown HZ value! (57) Assume 100.
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
Internal error!
You have    18 process hidden for readdir command
You have    20 process hidden for ps command
chkproc: Warning: Possible LKM Trojan installed

Unhide 20080519 

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through /proc scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 25899
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32127
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 32128
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

Unhide 20080519 

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through getpriority() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6102
Command: sshd: root [priv]

Found HIDDEN PID: 6103
Command: sshd: root [net]

Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 25899
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through getpgid() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 407
Found HIDDEN PID: 735
Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 2713
Found HIDDEN PID: 2772
Found HIDDEN PID: 2773
Found HIDDEN PID: 2774
Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 4239
Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6186
Found HIDDEN PID: 6187
Found HIDDEN PID: 6188
Found HIDDEN PID: 6706
Found HIDDEN PID: 6755
Found HIDDEN PID: 6813
Found HIDDEN PID: 6814
Found HIDDEN PID: 6815
Found HIDDEN PID: 7115
Found HIDDEN PID: 7144
Found HIDDEN PID: 7145
Found HIDDEN PID: 7146
Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 9032
Found HIDDEN PID: 9040
Found HIDDEN PID: 10946
Found HIDDEN PID: 10947
Found HIDDEN PID: 11244
Found HIDDEN PID: 11246
Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12931
Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 15157
Found HIDDEN PID: 15158
Found HIDDEN PID: 17069
Found HIDDEN PID: 17292
Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 19108
Found HIDDEN PID: 19122
Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20604
Found HIDDEN PID: 22693
Found HIDDEN PID: 22797
Found HIDDEN PID: 22799
Found HIDDEN PID: 22869
Found HIDDEN PID: 23443
Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 24587
Found HIDDEN PID: 24593
Found HIDDEN PID: 24619
Found HIDDEN PID: 24620
Found HIDDEN PID: 24621
Found HIDDEN PID: 24622
Found HIDDEN PID: 24744
Found HIDDEN PID: 24745
Found HIDDEN PID: 24756
Found HIDDEN PID: 24759
Found HIDDEN PID: 24784
Found HIDDEN PID: 24875
Found HIDDEN PID: 25084
Found HIDDEN PID: 25397
Found HIDDEN PID: 25455
Found HIDDEN PID: 25457
Found HIDDEN PID: 25461
Found HIDDEN PID: 25501
Found HIDDEN PID: 25581
Found HIDDEN PID: 25589
Found HIDDEN PID: 25592
Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 25899
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26698
Found HIDDEN PID: 26700
Found HIDDEN PID: 26918
Found HIDDEN PID: 26925
Found HIDDEN PID: 27038
Found HIDDEN PID: 27076
Found HIDDEN PID: 27156
Found HIDDEN PID: 27240
Found HIDDEN PID: 27241
Found HIDDEN PID: 27242
Found HIDDEN PID: 27243
Found HIDDEN PID: 27248
Found HIDDEN PID: 27259
Found HIDDEN PID: 27261
Found HIDDEN PID: 27262
Found HIDDEN PID: 27623
Found HIDDEN PID: 27625
Found HIDDEN PID: 27626
Found HIDDEN PID: 27627
Found HIDDEN PID: 27628
Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 29432
Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 31017
Found HIDDEN PID: 31180
Found HIDDEN PID: 31215
Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through getsid() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 407
Found HIDDEN PID: 735
Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 2713
Found HIDDEN PID: 2772
Found HIDDEN PID: 2773
Found HIDDEN PID: 2774
Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 4239
Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6186
Found HIDDEN PID: 6187
Found HIDDEN PID: 6188
Found HIDDEN PID: 6706
Found HIDDEN PID: 6755
Found HIDDEN PID: 6813
Found HIDDEN PID: 6814
Found HIDDEN PID: 6815
Found HIDDEN PID: 7115
Found HIDDEN PID: 7144
Found HIDDEN PID: 7145
Found HIDDEN PID: 7146
Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 9032
Found HIDDEN PID: 9040
Found HIDDEN PID: 10946
Found HIDDEN PID: 10947
Found HIDDEN PID: 11244
Found HIDDEN PID: 11246
Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12931
Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 15157
Found HIDDEN PID: 15158
Found HIDDEN PID: 17069
Found HIDDEN PID: 17292
Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 19108
Found HIDDEN PID: 19122
Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20604
Found HIDDEN PID: 22693
Found HIDDEN PID: 22797
Found HIDDEN PID: 22799
Found HIDDEN PID: 22869
Found HIDDEN PID: 23443
Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 24587
Found HIDDEN PID: 24593
Found HIDDEN PID: 24619
Found HIDDEN PID: 24620
Found HIDDEN PID: 24621
Found HIDDEN PID: 24622
Found HIDDEN PID: 24744
Found HIDDEN PID: 24745
Found HIDDEN PID: 24756
Found HIDDEN PID: 24759
Found HIDDEN PID: 24784
Found HIDDEN PID: 24875
Found HIDDEN PID: 25084
Found HIDDEN PID: 25397
Found HIDDEN PID: 25455
Found HIDDEN PID: 25457
Found HIDDEN PID: 25461
Found HIDDEN PID: 25501
Found HIDDEN PID: 25581
Found HIDDEN PID: 25589
Found HIDDEN PID: 25592
Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 25899
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26698
Found HIDDEN PID: 26700
Found HIDDEN PID: 26918
Found HIDDEN PID: 26925
Found HIDDEN PID: 27038
Found HIDDEN PID: 27076
Found HIDDEN PID: 27156
Found HIDDEN PID: 27240
Found HIDDEN PID: 27241
Found HIDDEN PID: 27242
Found HIDDEN PID: 27243
Found HIDDEN PID: 27248
Found HIDDEN PID: 27259
Found HIDDEN PID: 27261
Found HIDDEN PID: 27262
Found HIDDEN PID: 27623
Found HIDDEN PID: 27625
Found HIDDEN PID: 27626
Found HIDDEN PID: 27627
Found HIDDEN PID: 27628
Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 29432
Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 31017
Found HIDDEN PID: 31180
Found HIDDEN PID: 31215
Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through sched_getaffinity() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 407
Found HIDDEN PID: 735
Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 2713
Found HIDDEN PID: 2772
Found HIDDEN PID: 2773
Found HIDDEN PID: 2774
Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 4239
Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6186
Found HIDDEN PID: 6187
Found HIDDEN PID: 6188
Found HIDDEN PID: 6706
Found HIDDEN PID: 6755
Found HIDDEN PID: 6813
Found HIDDEN PID: 6814
Found HIDDEN PID: 6815
Found HIDDEN PID: 7115
Found HIDDEN PID: 7144
Found HIDDEN PID: 7145
Found HIDDEN PID: 7146
Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 9032
Found HIDDEN PID: 9040
Found HIDDEN PID: 10946
Found HIDDEN PID: 10947
Found HIDDEN PID: 11244
Found HIDDEN PID: 11246
Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12931
Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 15157
Found HIDDEN PID: 15158
Found HIDDEN PID: 17069
Found HIDDEN PID: 17292
Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 19108
Found HIDDEN PID: 19122
Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20604
Found HIDDEN PID: 22693
Found HIDDEN PID: 22797
Found HIDDEN PID: 22799
Found HIDDEN PID: 22869
Found HIDDEN PID: 23443
Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 24587
Found HIDDEN PID: 24593
Found HIDDEN PID: 24619
Found HIDDEN PID: 24620
Found HIDDEN PID: 24621
Found HIDDEN PID: 24622
Found HIDDEN PID: 24744
Found HIDDEN PID: 24745
Found HIDDEN PID: 24756
Found HIDDEN PID: 24759
Found HIDDEN PID: 24784
Found HIDDEN PID: 24875
Found HIDDEN PID: 25084
Found HIDDEN PID: 25397
Found HIDDEN PID: 25455
Found HIDDEN PID: 25457
Found HIDDEN PID: 25461
Found HIDDEN PID: 25501
Found HIDDEN PID: 25581
Found HIDDEN PID: 25589
Found HIDDEN PID: 25592
Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 25899
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26698
Found HIDDEN PID: 26700
Found HIDDEN PID: 26918
Found HIDDEN PID: 26925
Found HIDDEN PID: 27038
Found HIDDEN PID: 27076
Found HIDDEN PID: 27156
Found HIDDEN PID: 27240
Found HIDDEN PID: 27241
Found HIDDEN PID: 27242
Found HIDDEN PID: 27243
Found HIDDEN PID: 27248
Found HIDDEN PID: 27259
Found HIDDEN PID: 27261
Found HIDDEN PID: 27262
Found HIDDEN PID: 27623
Found HIDDEN PID: 27625
Found HIDDEN PID: 27626
Found HIDDEN PID: 27627
Found HIDDEN PID: 27628
Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 29432
Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 31017
Found HIDDEN PID: 31180
Found HIDDEN PID: 31215
Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through sched_getparam() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 407
Found HIDDEN PID: 735
Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 2713
Found HIDDEN PID: 2772
Found HIDDEN PID: 2773
Found HIDDEN PID: 2774
Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 4239
Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6186
Found HIDDEN PID: 6187
Found HIDDEN PID: 6188
Found HIDDEN PID: 6706
Found HIDDEN PID: 6755
Found HIDDEN PID: 6813
Found HIDDEN PID: 6814
Found HIDDEN PID: 6815
Found HIDDEN PID: 7115
Found HIDDEN PID: 7144
Found HIDDEN PID: 7145
Found HIDDEN PID: 7146
Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 9032
Found HIDDEN PID: 9040
Found HIDDEN PID: 10946
Found HIDDEN PID: 10947
Found HIDDEN PID: 11244
Found HIDDEN PID: 11246
Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12931
Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 15157
Found HIDDEN PID: 15158
Found HIDDEN PID: 17069
Found HIDDEN PID: 17292
Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 19108
Found HIDDEN PID: 19122
Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20604
Found HIDDEN PID: 22693
Found HIDDEN PID: 22797
Found HIDDEN PID: 22799
Found HIDDEN PID: 22869
Found HIDDEN PID: 23443
Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 24587
Found HIDDEN PID: 24593
Found HIDDEN PID: 24619
Found HIDDEN PID: 24620
Found HIDDEN PID: 24621
Found HIDDEN PID: 24622
Found HIDDEN PID: 24744
Found HIDDEN PID: 24745
Found HIDDEN PID: 24756
Found HIDDEN PID: 24759
Found HIDDEN PID: 24784
Found HIDDEN PID: 24875
Found HIDDEN PID: 25084
Found HIDDEN PID: 25397
Found HIDDEN PID: 25455
Found HIDDEN PID: 25457
Found HIDDEN PID: 25461
Found HIDDEN PID: 25501
Found HIDDEN PID: 25581
Found HIDDEN PID: 25589
Found HIDDEN PID: 25592
Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 25899
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26698
Found HIDDEN PID: 26700
Found HIDDEN PID: 26918
Found HIDDEN PID: 26925
Found HIDDEN PID: 27038
Found HIDDEN PID: 27076
Found HIDDEN PID: 27156
Found HIDDEN PID: 27240
Found HIDDEN PID: 27241
Found HIDDEN PID: 27242
Found HIDDEN PID: 27243
Found HIDDEN PID: 27248
Found HIDDEN PID: 27259
Found HIDDEN PID: 27261
Found HIDDEN PID: 27262
Found HIDDEN PID: 27623
Found HIDDEN PID: 27625
Found HIDDEN PID: 27626
Found HIDDEN PID: 27627
Found HIDDEN PID: 27628
Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 29432
Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 31017
Found HIDDEN PID: 31180
Found HIDDEN PID: 31215
Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through sched_getscheduler() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 407
Found HIDDEN PID: 735
Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 2713
Found HIDDEN PID: 2772
Found HIDDEN PID: 2773
Found HIDDEN PID: 2774
Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 4239
Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6186
Found HIDDEN PID: 6187
Found HIDDEN PID: 6188
Found HIDDEN PID: 6706
Found HIDDEN PID: 6755
Found HIDDEN PID: 6813
Found HIDDEN PID: 6814
Found HIDDEN PID: 6815
Found HIDDEN PID: 7115
Found HIDDEN PID: 7144
Found HIDDEN PID: 7145
Found HIDDEN PID: 7146
Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 9032
Found HIDDEN PID: 9040
Found HIDDEN PID: 10946
Found HIDDEN PID: 10947
Found HIDDEN PID: 11244
Found HIDDEN PID: 11246
Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12931
Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 15157
Found HIDDEN PID: 15158
Found HIDDEN PID: 17069
Found HIDDEN PID: 17292
Found HIDDEN PID: 18093
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18801
Found HIDDEN PID: 18848
Found HIDDEN PID: 18913
Found HIDDEN PID: 18914
Found HIDDEN PID: 19108
Found HIDDEN PID: 19122
Found HIDDEN PID: 19825
Command: sshd: root@pts/1

Found HIDDEN PID: 19872
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 19937
Command: clamscan

Found HIDDEN PID: 19938
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20604
Found HIDDEN PID: 22693
Found HIDDEN PID: 22797
Found HIDDEN PID: 22799
Found HIDDEN PID: 22869
Found HIDDEN PID: 23443
Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 24587
Found HIDDEN PID: 24593
Found HIDDEN PID: 24619
Found HIDDEN PID: 24620
Found HIDDEN PID: 24621
Found HIDDEN PID: 24622
Found HIDDEN PID: 24744
Found HIDDEN PID: 24745
Found HIDDEN PID: 24756
Found HIDDEN PID: 24759
Found HIDDEN PID: 24784
Found HIDDEN PID: 24875
Found HIDDEN PID: 25084
Found HIDDEN PID: 25397
Found HIDDEN PID: 25455
Found HIDDEN PID: 25457
Found HIDDEN PID: 25461
Found HIDDEN PID: 25501
Found HIDDEN PID: 25581
Found HIDDEN PID: 25589
Found HIDDEN PID: 25592
Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26698
Found HIDDEN PID: 26700
Found HIDDEN PID: 26918
Found HIDDEN PID: 26925
Found HIDDEN PID: 27038
Found HIDDEN PID: 27076
Found HIDDEN PID: 27156
Found HIDDEN PID: 27240
Found HIDDEN PID: 27241
Found HIDDEN PID: 27242
Found HIDDEN PID: 27243
Found HIDDEN PID: 27248
Found HIDDEN PID: 27259
Found HIDDEN PID: 27261
Found HIDDEN PID: 27262
Found HIDDEN PID: 27623
Found HIDDEN PID: 27625
Found HIDDEN PID: 27626
Found HIDDEN PID: 27627
Found HIDDEN PID: 27628
Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/sshd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28180
Command: /usr/sbin/xinetd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28272
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28283
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28285
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28286
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 28647
Command: qmail-send

Found HIDDEN PID: 28649
Command: splogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 28650
Command: qmail-lspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28651
Command: qmail-rspawn

Found HIDDEN PID: 28652
Command: qmail-clean

Found HIDDEN PID: 28784
Found HIDDEN PID: 28804
Found HIDDEN PID: 29432
Found HIDDEN PID: 30456
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 31017
Found HIDDEN PID: 31180
Found HIDDEN PID: 31215
Found HIDDEN PID: 32041
Command: /usr/sbin/sw-cp-serverd

Found HIDDEN PID: 32239
Command: /usr/sbin/cron

[*]Searching for Hidden processes through sched_rr_get_interval() scanning

Command: init [2]

Found HIDDEN PID: 407
Found HIDDEN PID: 735
Found HIDDEN PID: 1431
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 1759
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 2713
Found HIDDEN PID: 2772
Found HIDDEN PID: 2773
Found HIDDEN PID: 2774
Found HIDDEN PID: 3737
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3796
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3797
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 3798
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 4239
Found HIDDEN PID: 5263
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 6186
Found HIDDEN PID: 6187
Found HIDDEN PID: 6188
Found HIDDEN PID: 6706
Found HIDDEN PID: 6755
Found HIDDEN PID: 6813
Found HIDDEN PID: 6814
Found HIDDEN PID: 6815
Found HIDDEN PID: 7115
Found HIDDEN PID: 7144
Found HIDDEN PID: 7145
Found HIDDEN PID: 7146
Found HIDDEN PID: 7210
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 7211
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 7730
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 7779
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7837
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7838
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 7839
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8139
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8168
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8169
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 8170
Command: /usr/bin/sw-engine-cgi

Found HIDDEN PID: 9032
Found HIDDEN PID: 9040
Found HIDDEN PID: 10946
Found HIDDEN PID: 10947
Found HIDDEN PID: 11244
Found HIDDEN PID: 11246
Found HIDDEN PID: 11970
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 11971
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 12268
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12270
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 12931
Found HIDDEN PID: 13955
Command: /usr/bin/freshclam

Found HIDDEN PID: 15157
Found HIDDEN PID: 15158
Found HIDDEN PID: 17292
Found HIDDEN PID: 18316
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 18801
Found HIDDEN PID: 18848
Found HIDDEN PID: 18913
Found HIDDEN PID: 18914
Found HIDDEN PID: 19108
Found HIDDEN PID: 19122
Found HIDDEN PID: 19228
Found HIDDEN PID: 19274
Found HIDDEN PID: 19825
Command: sshd: root@pts/1

Found HIDDEN PID: 19872
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 19937
Command: clamscan

Found HIDDEN PID: 19938
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 20132
Command: sshd: root@pts/0

Found HIDDEN PID: 20146
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20252
Command: sshd: root@pts/2

Found HIDDEN PID: 20298
Command: -bash

Found HIDDEN PID: 20496
Found HIDDEN PID: 20520
Found HIDDEN PID: 20604
Found HIDDEN PID: 21353
Found HIDDEN PID: 21355
Found HIDDEN PID: 21520
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 21544
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 22377
Command: unhide-linux26

Found HIDDEN PID: 22379
Command: tee

Found HIDDEN PID: 22693
Found HIDDEN PID: 22797
Found HIDDEN PID: 22799
Found HIDDEN PID: 22869
Found HIDDEN PID: 23443
Found HIDDEN PID: 23717
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 23821
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 23823
Command: proftpd: connected: (

Found HIDDEN PID: 24467
Command: /bin/sh

Found HIDDEN PID: 24587
Found HIDDEN PID: 24593
Found HIDDEN PID: 24619
Found HIDDEN PID: 24620
Found HIDDEN PID: 24621
Found HIDDEN PID: 24622
Found HIDDEN PID: 24744
Found HIDDEN PID: 24745
Found HIDDEN PID: 24756
Found HIDDEN PID: 24759
Found HIDDEN PID: 24784
Found HIDDEN PID: 25084
Found HIDDEN PID: 25397
Found HIDDEN PID: 25455
Found HIDDEN PID: 25457
Found HIDDEN PID: 25461
Found HIDDEN PID: 25501
Found HIDDEN PID: 25581
Found HIDDEN PID: 25589
Found HIDDEN PID: 25592
Found HIDDEN PID: 25617
Command: logger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26108
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 26421
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26479
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26481
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26485
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26525
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26605
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26613
Command: /usr/lib/courier-imap/couriertcpd

Found HIDDEN PID: 26616
Command: /usr/sbin/courierlogger

Found HIDDEN PID: 26698
Found HIDDEN PID: 26700
Found HIDDEN PID: 26918
Found HIDDEN PID: 26925
Found HIDDEN PID: 27038
Found HIDDEN PID: 27076
Found HIDDEN PID: 27156
Found HIDDEN PID: 27240
Found HIDDEN PID: 27241
Found HIDDEN PID: 27242
Found HIDDEN PID: 27243
Found HIDDEN PID: 27248
Found HIDDEN PID: 27259
Found HIDDEN PID: 27261
Found HIDDEN PID: 27262
Found HIDDEN PID: 27623
Found HIDDEN PID: 27625
Found HIDDEN PID: 27626
Found HIDDEN PID: 27627
Found HIDDEN PID: 27628
Found HIDDEN PID: 27722
Command: /sbin/ttyload

Found HIDDEN PID: 27724
Command: ttymon

Found HIDDEN PID: 27942
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 27949
Command: /usr/sbin/apache2

Found HIDDEN PID: 28062
Command: /sbin/syslogd

Found HIDDEN PID: 28100
Command: /usr/sbin/ssh

Reply to: