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Re: A question for the list:

> I hate to ask the question this way, but in terms of
> problems/fixes/downtime--approximately how often do you find that you
> have to 'fix' something in Sid?  1x week, 1x month?  (I know that my
> MMV, but if I start playing with either testing or unstable, I don't
> want to get into a problem/find fix/fix lather/rinse/repeat cycle too
> often).

I've been using Debian testing on my desktops and laptops for about
7 years now.  I remember some serious problems with major transitions
(e.g. xfree86->xorg), but over the last 2-3 years I can't remember of
any problems I've had to fix other than ones due to my particular
desires (mostly: convincing APT to keep Gnome with wicd rather than

The best part for me, tho, is that you don't have to go through the "big
version upgrade" cycle, since you can do "small updates" as often as you
like: the more often you do them, the smaller (i.e. painless) they get.

        Stefan "Still running the same 7 year-old install"

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