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Re: Emergence: recover deleted files

Thanks for anyone's help: part of the deleted files was rescued.  Today I'm
fetching a new hard disk on which to continue the search, because I have many
partitions on the present hard disk ando so there isn't enough space left in
each of them to store all the files found by photorec.

On Mon, 06 Sep 2010, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

>> Excuse so many questions, but the issue is a major one.

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI <eduardo@kalinowski.com.br> writes:

> If it's major, why so much resistance in following the advice that has  been
> given?


I'm in hda6, the partition containing the deletes files.  When I reboot into a
live CD or into another partition of the hard disk, say hda8, as far as I know
- but maybe I'm wrong - during the reboot the system will write reports in some
files of hda6, which we don't want to.  Instead, if I do: `# cd /mnt/hda8', and
run photorec from hda8, we avoid the possible damage caused by the reboot or
the shutdown, and also we don't touch hda6.  Is that true?

I'll have to shut down though to mount a new hard disk.


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