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Re: Installing from businesscard ISO

On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Disc Magnet <discmagnet@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why do you say that CD1 would be useful if we don't have a net
> connection. It seems that the netinstall can install a base system as
> well. I hope netinstall would install a system with the basic tools
> like ls, aptitude, vim, etc. If so, netinstall is good enough to setup
> a minimal install and download the remaining packages from internet
> whenever I need using aptitude. Am I right?

you are right.
CD1 was mentioned because Greg presumed that maybe your internet
connection is limited during your installation. with CD1 as a local
repository, you can boot your system with the businesscard image, and
install all the popular packages without connecting to the internet.

if the base system is what you want to begin with, and there's no
problem with the internet connection, both netinst and businesscard
iso will do it. just remember to uncheck all the additional packages
during the installation.



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