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git: Interactive rebase already started


What should I do if encountered the "Interactive rebase already started" 

I did:

  $ git checkout -b t/unmount
  Switched to a new branch 't/unmount'

  # hack grml-debootstrap

  $ git rebase -i origin/master
  Waiting for Emacs...
  Cannot 'squash' without a previous commit

But I did the commit. Otherwise, git would complain "Working tree is 
dirty" (ref, http://paste.grml.org/7/). Maybe it is because there is only 
a single commit there, and I should use pick instead of squash?

  $ git rebase -i origin/master
  Interactive rebase already started

I mean, how can I fix the problem? Now

git gui & 
git diff HEAD

show nothing has changed, and I've lost my commit comments.

Please help. 


Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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