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Re: kvm disk read error

On Sun, 23 May 2010 10:46:52 +0300
Andrei Popescu <andreimpopescu@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat,22.May.10, 17:16:22, briand@aracnet.com wrote:
> > trying to install windows xp pro
> > 
> > the installation goes just fine but when I try to run the vm I get
> For what purpose do you want to run Windows? Maybe we can suggest
> better alternatives (like VirtualBox, package virtualbox-ose).

Unfortunately there are a couple of windows-only apps that I have to be
able to run.  Right now I'm dual booting, and would like to avoid that

I will look at virtualbox.  Thanks for the suggestion.

I just installed kvm under centos and it worked flawlessly, I guess I'm
wondering why it's flat-busted broken under debian ??  I could
understand if it booted and there was some problem with winblows having
issues, but it can't even boot.  That seems rather serious.


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