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Trouble setting environment variables


I've been trying to set my PATH and CLASSPATH environment variables so that they point to my JDK's bin and some Java source files respectively and this is what I've written in my .profile file:

# PATH should also include the latest jdk "bin" directory

 # set the CLASSPATH variable to include anything I do with java

Yet I don't seem to have much luck, since "echoing" both environment variables gives me the old value of PATH for PATH and nothing for CLASSPATH:

jason@debian:~$ echo $PATH
jason@debian:~$ echo $CLASSPATH


This is strange, especially for PATH, because earlier in my .profile I've written:

# set PATH so it includes the eclipse bin directory

And if you notice the output produced by "echo", this directory is well under the scope of PATH.

What am I doing wrong? Do I need to "export" something?


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