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Re: Two Lenny problems

On Mon, 22 Feb 2010 13:42:27 -0500 (EST), Cecil Knutson wrote:
> Thanks, Stephen. I've made several mistakes: was in Krusader when I  
> double-clicked "blacklist"; assumed that SU-ing in a terminal rendered all  
> that follows as root activity.

No, only in that terminal session.  All graphical desktop applications
run under the user which logged in to the graphical desktop.

> So, I opened a terminal; SU'd; CD'd to  
> /etc/modprobe.d; issued the command "nano local"; typed in the line:  
> blacklist snd_intel8x0; issued a "Write Out" command; exited Nano; typed  
> ls; saw the file "local" in /modprobe.d;

Uh, you saw it where?  I hope you meant /etc/modprobe.d.  That's where
it has to be.

> closed the terminal; re-started;  
> opened a terminal window; SU'd; typed alsamixer; got the same display as  
> before: no changes in the headings.


> I did not remove any modules, I  
> physically removed the modem adapter card.

It's just as well.  But to keep airflow within the system as the designers
assumed, it's a good idea to install a slot cover where the card used
to be, if you have one.

> I did read about creating the  
> "local" file but nothing was said as to where to put it and I didn't  
> assume that it would be in /modprobe.d.

That web page is all one continuous narrative.  Assume that it goes
in the last directory "cd"ed to unless otherwise noted.

> So, when I saw the blacklist file  
> and it looked like it would fulfill the purpose, I tried it.  I do notice  
> the prompt change from $ to # and recognize it as indicating root status.   
> I installed several of the KDE programs just because I am more familiar  
> with them, but the GUI is the Lenny default, GNOME.

> I will try vi and  
> gedit and see how I do with them, thanks for the recommendation.  BTW, is  
> UTF-8 the same as "plain text"?

Strictly speaking, UTF-8 is a type of character encoding and can be used
with multiple file formats, not just plain text.

OK, so where do we go from here?  First, verify that "local" is indeed
present in /etc/modprobe.d.  Second, verify that /etc/modprobe.conf does
*not* exist.  Third, issue

cat /etc/modprobe.d/local

and make sure its outut is as expected (i.e. the file is in plain text format.)
Fourth, issue "lsmod" and check to make sure that the
blacklisted module is not loaded.  If all three of these things check
out, then I'd like to see the output of dmesg.

Also, check to make sure that the following packages are installed:


(You can check by means of

   dpkg-query -l alsa-base|grep ii

for example.)

Also, try another "lspci" to see if removing the internal modem card
also resulted in the Intel audio controller disappearing.

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