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Re: ehci_hcd has to be manually reloaded for USB 2.0 printer

> Well I finally made the upgrade to Lenny, and my USB printers only
> work when the ehci_hcd module is loaded after the printer is on. If I
> set it to load a boot and the printer's off, I have to "rmmod
> ehci_hcd; modprobe ehci_hcd" once the printer is on again before it
> will work.
> Before the upgrade to Lenny, everything was going fine. I have an HP
> LaserJet 4MPlus connected with a parallel-to-USB cable. CUPS is
> fine. But if ehci_hcd isn't loaded (or if it's loaded before the
> printer is one), when I send a print job it's always just "processing"
> forever, and nothing is actually sent to the printer until that module
> gets reloaded.
> Is there a way to make it automagically reload when a USB printer goes
> on?

Hi Jen,

In my /etc/modules I have the following comment and module:

# Allow USB printer to be powered up after boot.

I'm afraid I don't know how or where I found that out. I think it's
been there since pre-lenny.

Also I don't know whether the order of modules in /etc/modules is
significant; you might want to experiment with that.


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