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schroot and automount

I'm using a 64bits debian unstable, and using schroot to be able to easily
(eliminating the need to become root) chroot to a 32bits environment.

I want to have /tmp, /dev, /proc, and /dev/pts shared between host system and
chroot. So, I used to have lines such as 

/tmp    /srv/chroot/ia32/tmp  none    bind,noauto      0       0

in my host fstab, and an exec.d script to mount /srv/chroot/ia32/tmp
automatically at startup. But now, since a few weeks, I get a warning message,
and my script does not work anymore.

I use the default mount.defaults, I thought it would suit my needs, but
actually, modifying it, or even deleting it seems to have no effect.

Here is my schroot.conf

description=Debian testing 32bits

and here is what happens when I run schroot:

14:14 ~ % LANG=C schroot --verbose -c ia32
W: line 19 [ia32]: Deprecated key 'run-exec-scripts' used
I: This option will be removed in the future; please update your configuration
I: [ia32 chroot] Running login shell: '/bin/zsh'
Cannot find /proc/version - is /proc mounted?
~ % 

Do you have any idea how I can have my mount points automatically ?


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