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KMS, vga=791 and intel xorg driver

Hi to all!

After I upgraded last week to latest xorg drivers my squeeze box, I had
problem getting a console: the X session just froze. I searched a bit
and found bug #567563.  So I discovered that the problem was the
'vga=791' setting that I used to boot with, so that I have a decent
resolution while booting, for the kernel messages.

So I removed vga=791 and problems with getting a console were resolved.

In order to have a good resolution for my console while the pc is
booting, I used the
GRUB_GFXMODE=1440x900 directive in the grub2 config, but while it starts
at this resolution, after the message 'Loading the initial image' (or
something like that), it reverts again to a very low analysis. How can I
fix that?


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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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