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Re: routing

Hi, Sthu:

On Thursday 28 October 2010 07:58:29 Sthu Deus wrote:
> Thank You for Your time and answer, Jesús:
> >> host1 <-> eth <-> host2 <-> ppp
> >
> > Why do you think it's wrong?  It seems OK to me: you reach
> > through eth0 and both and "everything
> > else" through ppp0.  It sounds sensible.
> Because I try w/ pings, apt - it does not work on the host1.

That's far from enough to diagnose routing problems at host2.

Two things:
1) Try without a firewall (iptables default rules 
to "accept",  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to "1" and anything else).

2) Then if you can ping from host1 *and* you can ping "the 
Internet" from host2 (say, `ping`, which is the IP for 
www.tldp.org, known to return ECHO packages) it's almost surely not a routing 
problem within host2.

Now, my bet:
Does whatever sit on the far end of your ppp link holding IP address know how to return packets to


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