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Re: how to use wireless without network-manager or wicd

This will give you a good starting point.  Past the wicd instructions you'll see how to configure a wireless card from /etc/network/interfaces.  It's basically the same as a wired card plus some extra parameters for the wireless protection.

2010/9/19 hugo vanwoerkom <hvw59601@care2.com>

I run a laptop with lenny and debian kernel 2.6.32 that runs wireless.

I connected to the laptop via USB a disk that contains a partition that also has debian kernel 2.6.32 but sid and that doesn't have network manager or wicd installed.

How would I get wireless going without them on that USB disk?

The laptop wireless module b43 gets loaded when I boot from the uSB disk.

/etc/network/interfaces has:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp


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