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Re: umount without sync

T o n g:
> I saw that it is a common practice to issue sync several times before 
> umount. I know it's a good practice, but is it really necessary? 

No, it's completely unnecessary as umount does the sync for you. Just
don't unplug removable drives before umount returns.

> If I copy a big chuck of file to my USB, then issue umount immediately, 
> will I lost any data?

No. Umount will do the sync and take (at least) the same time to return
as sync would do.

> How about umount swaps? umount really necessary? 

That's a different story. When umounting swap, you are forcing the
system to re-read all of swap back into memory (if it's not there
anymore). But how often do you do that manually? Do you put swap on
removable drives!?

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