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Re: Authenticating NFS users

Op 04-09-10 10:52, Tixy schreef:
> I'm trying to set up NFS to use in a home made NAS and want to add some
> form of server based authentication for access. All of the information I
> can find seems to suggest using kerberos, is there a simpler alternative
> that could do something like check a username+password?
You can use NFS via a SSH or VPN tunnel. The reason that it is
complicated is that when you authenticate to the server, you need also a
ticket that tells the server you authenticated. Else you'd need to type
your password every time you check a file on the NFS. Kerberos is a
clean way of exactly doing that: handing out the tickets to track
sessions. SSH and VPN tunnels basically do the same: keep a lasting session.
You can probably try some firewalling techniques for a simple
a-little-less-easy access to the NFS.


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