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Re: What's with Gnome not logging out?

On 20100726_205835, Andrei Popescu wrote:
> On Lu, 26 iul 10, 17:26:11, AG wrote:
> > sledgehammer.  The option to log out of the session under the panel
> > menu/ system doesn't work nor does the old three-finger salute of
> > ctrl+alt+backspace.
> For that you can run 'dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration'. Don't 

On my system running Squeeze, I do this. I see enabling
ctrl+alt+backspace as the last question in the dialog. I chose it. But
still no aborting of X. (I rebooted after seeing that it didn't work,
and it still didn't work.) But its nice to know that there is supposed
to be a way to enable it. 

Paul E Condon           

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