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Re: Missing /etc/init.d/functions

On 07/23/2010 11:29 AM, Bruno Costacurta wrote:
> /etc/init.d/functions is missing.
> How / where to grab it ?

/etc/init.d/functions is a Red Hat developed script for SYSVR4 init on
GNU/Linux. It has carried on to other systems that use RPM as their
package backend.

If you want the Debian-equivalent (where the correct location _should_
be) check out /lib/lsb/init/functions and /etc/default/rcs. Also, don't
forget the directory configs under /etc/default/[service-name].

But really, /lib/lsb/init-functions in your direct equivalent to
/etc/init.d/functions in the Red Hat world.

Probably the best way to have found the file on your own, would be to
open an /etc/init.d/[service] file, and notice that most, if not all,
are sourcing /lib/lsb/init-functions and /etc/default/rcs.

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