Re: [OT] dry humor
Lisi put forth on 7/6/2010 4:47 PM:
> The inference that anyone who uses Flash must want it to watch pornography was
> unpleasant and distasteful. I cannot be the only person who has never looked
> at pornography, never will look at pornography and didn't know until now,
> when you told us, that it ran on Flash.
Adobe Flash evangelist Lee Brimelow tells us by demonstration how important
pornography is to Adobe's Flash business, and thus to their customers.
Pr0n is literally everywhere, unfortunately. It's a multi billion dollar a
year business, and the bulk of it is currently distributed via Adobe Flash
Player. Apparently the pornography industry is getting tired of paying the
Adobe tax, however, and are attempting to move to HMTL5:
Don't blame me for associating pr0n with Flash. Adobe did so themselves years
ago. And it's one of their biggest money makers.
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