Re: Debian support on newer 4K Advanced format drives (rather than 512 bytes)
Ron Johnson put forth on 7/3/2010 12:01 PM:
> I think that the partitioning tool (fdisk, cfdisk, parted, ...) is what
> is really important.
It is. The first partition must be created on an even 4k sector aligned
boundary to avoid the performance hit of unaligned access. However, from all
I've read up to around March 2010, Linux, its partitioning tools, and the
documentation on how to use the with 4k drives aren't ready ready for prime
time yet. I'd avoid 4k sector drives until all the dust settles.
> That is because filesystems already use 4KB block
> sizes.
This is unrelated. FS block size != sector size. This discussion is about
disk hardware sector size.
> Possibly also fsck.
fsck is ignorant of hw sector size.
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