Re: OTF conversion without OpenOffice
Thank you, Matheiu, and others. I ultimately succeeded and here report
my experiences with the options.
1. I found several on-line free conversion services. For various
reasons such as security and privacy I did not pursue them.
2. Install OpenOffice and OpenOffice.OpenXML
Translator. Because this contradicted my desire for command line
conversion rather than install big GUI apps, I did not pursue.
3. Abiword can be used to convert the document format from .docx to,
say, .pdf. It was my intent to use a command line utility instead, but
here report that Abiword did in fact work and automatically detected
the input format.
4. Antiword-for-Office is a perl script, but when I tried to compile,
found I was missing the perl Archive::Zip module. Not knowing what to
do about that and too little time to find out, I did not pursue.
5. Unoconv script is a debian package and seems what I really
want. However, when I ran it, I found that it depends on JRE, although
"$ aptitude show unoconv" indicates that it depends on python. In any
case, I don't happen to have JRE installed in current box, and so did not
6. Odf-converter. This is a perl script. It requires, but
by symlinking found that it can use instead. With it I
was able to generate an .otf file, which of course required Abiword to
convert to PDF since I can't use unoconv.
Haines Brown
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