Re: Some clarification is needed on Debian repos.
On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 21:51 +0700, Sthu Deus wrote:
> Good day.
> Could You please explain, should some security testing repo be
> specified for a stable + testing Debian, or stable, updates and testing
> repos is all that should be enabled for the stable, testing with all
> *for the repos* security fixes?
> In other words, is there a security repo for testing as there is a
> security repo for stable?
Yes, the security lines in my /etc/apt/sources.list looks like this.
deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src lenny/updates main contrib non-free
The deb-src line wrapped, it should all be on one line.
> Also, does security team works with volatile repo and therefore can be
> used for stable only system?
There is security support for testing (Squeeze) also, although most
fixes transition from unstable. The security team does upload security
fixes for testing if the need arises though.
Use the same info for sources.list but replace lenny with squeeze.
> And one more question: If a choose a mirror from the list on Debian web
> site, should there be all the repos of the distro (like stable,
> testing, etc) - so that I can use the only mirror for all my needs (any
> repos) OR I have to use several mirrors for diver repos (like stable
> from one mirror, testing from another, stable updates from third, etc)?
Yes, the mirrors contain oldstable (etch), stable (lenny), testing
(squeeze), and unstable (sid). One mirror should do for any of those.
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