Hi, I am trying to install some AVD relative to my Android's SDK (still under Debian Lenny). Well, updating info from the SDK source gives me == XML verification failed for https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml. Error: java.lang.NullPointerException == It appears that I am needing a `XML Schema validation tool.' Or libxml2 and libxml2-utils are already installed here. I think that xmllint is a `XML Schema validation tool,' and, as xmllint is in libxml2-utils and libxml2, it should also be here. This is the case, as launching xmllint from the CLI gives me some normal output. So, why am I getting this XML verification error? Thanks. -- Merciadri Luca See http://www.student.montefiore.ulg.ac.be/~merciadri/ I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail client, please contact me. All flowers are not in one garden.
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