Re: Re (2): lilo removal in squeeze / new lilo upstream
Stephen Powell put forth on 6/6/2010 7:37 PM:
> On: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 17:44:05 -0400 (EDT), William Pitcock wrote:
>> "Joachim Wiedorn" <> wrote:
>>> I see that more people than thought still want to have or need LiLO.
>>> Now I have decided to start and reanimate the upstream development.
>>> Everyone is invited to join in this development. I'm working on LiLO
>>> version 23. Shortly with more informations ...
>> Have fun. When you have a release that actually has merit, it can be
>> reconsidered for inclusion in Debian.
These comments are flavored with personal negative feelings and a personal
agenda that have no place in a free software project. If your
hatred/angst/jealousy/whatever against or relating to LILO are this strong,
you need to completely step aside, allowing others to do positive work
_without_ your negative influence shadowing such. Your feelings, whatever
they are, whether they are "justified" or not, should not be allowed to
negatively impact a package's development moving forward.
It appears you are now jaded WRT LILO. That means it's definitely time to
walk away.
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