apt-pinning... and force "old" version.
Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,
I have a personnal repository where I have
- postfix-*-2.5.5-0.blueline.0 packages
The personnal repository hostname is "ppa.blueline.mg"
That postfix is a patched and (re-)packaged postfix.
I have also a mirror (for the rest of the packages), where there are
- postfix-*-2.5.5-1.1 packages
The mirror hostname is "mirror.malagasy.com"
The versions differ, the "personnal" version is older.
The "preferences" file contents is:
Package: *
Pin: origin ppa.blueline.mg
Pin-Priority: 701
Package: *
Pin: origin mirror.malagasy.com
Pin-Priority: 100
I expect the "2.5.5-0.blueline.0" postfix to be candidate, but
$ apt-cache policy postfix
Installé : (aucun)
Candidat : 2.5.5-1.1
Table de version :
2.5.5-1.1 0
100 http://mirror.malagasy.com lenny/main Packages
How to force the choice of "2.5.5-0.blueline.0" as candidate?
I dont want to rebuild my postfix "just" to increase a build number...
Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.
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